Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm Doing the HAPPY Dance......

over SO many things!!
First of all - over all the extra sleep I've had the last few days!
I came home early on Wednesday and went in late Thursday so I got a LOT of sleep!
Apparently not quite enough, though, since I was so sleepy yesterday I took a nap in the corral while the quads napped.

 I went home and fixed a very simple supper, visited with Louis Dean for an hour or so and was in bed asleep by 8:00! I'm happy to say when the alarm went off at 7 this morning it was NOT all that hard to get up!

I love it when I have a few extra minutes to do the reading for the day from this book.
I have read this entire book over and over and continue to read it 'fresh' every time.
"Simple Abundance: finding the Sacred in the ordinary, realizing that all you have is all you need, welcoming creative choices, and savoring life's small moments."

Seeing Louis Dean with the grand quads is always a moment to celebrate.
I am so happy he is getting to spend this time with them.
They have been such a blessing to HIM and I know HE has been such a blessing to THEM!
That's usually how blessings work, don't you think?

By 9:00 the quads are back in their cribs and Louis Dean and I are having a cup of coffee and perhaps a piece of toast. Instead of watching the news, Granddad opted to watch the baby monitor this morning.
It is so much fun to see the babies crawl all over each other.
This is Harrison on top of Trystan.
He had aggravated her and tried to get her to play and she wouldn't have any of it!
She cried and finally went sound asleep.
NOTHING he could do would wake her up!

That was an hour ago. She is sleeping still and Granddad is rocking Harrison!
Life's small moments.

Another HUGE reason for the happy dance this first Friday in March -
we are OUT of LOCK DOWN!!!!
Plans are to go out to dinner - four babies and all!!
There's an adult for each baby.
How hard can that be?

And since it is Friday and Mother goes to the beauty shop -
my sister just called and said we will Skpe visit!!
So I have to run comb my hair and put on some lipstick -
all the while I am doing my HAPPY DANCE!!!!


  1. A wonderful life for you, Linda. So happy for you all!!!

  2. Linda I love your energy and can feel the positiveness all the way from here! What a celebration tonight will be, able to be out and about with the quads and so very smart to be 4 adults with 4 young children. What fun!!

    I know I don't have to say this but I'm going to just the same... Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Ohhhh...everybody is going out! No more lockdown. Yay! I thought Harrison had fallen asleep like that and was thinking he'd have an awful crick in his neck. Have a very happy day, everybody!

  4. Love following--I'm Grandmother to triplets plus one older and love every minute with them!

  5. I love the excitement in this post! It really spills over. Can't wait to hear about the first outing. Have fun!

  6. I'm doing a little happy dance all of my own reading this!

  7. The Quads can make their Social Debut!!!!! :-)))))

    Good there is 1 adult to each baby though. No allowing their "adoring public", to get tooooo close. And NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO letting people, take their hands.

    Germs from strangers hands, transfer to babies hands, and little hands go in their mouth!!!! Eeeek!

    Have fun!

  8. I'd be doing the happy dance too! What fun to be able to go out and about. This is going to open up the world to four new little people.

  9. Life is so precious!!! And yours, dear Linda, is filled with the joys and love of such darling children!!! [ps...glad you got a little extra sleep in, too] GET PICTURES!!!

    Have a glorious weekend.

  10. Enjoy your dinner! I'm sure all those around you guys will love seeing the quads!!

  11. How exciting news! Looking forward to reading about the relstaurant visit with all four babies!
