Sunday, March 3, 2013

I am a Happy Camper This Sunday Night!

It is quiet here in the camper this Sunday night. Louis Dean is already in bed and fast asleep.
I have the Country Music Legends radio station on. Lucy is asleep at my feet as I sit here writing.
Her hiding place is under the table.

Maggie is sitting pretty on the chair by the bedroom door.
It won't be long before she is in there asleep at the foot of the bed.

I just finished doing the last bit of housework. 
I love sitting here basking in the glow of  the week's end and anticipating the beginning of a new one!

I did not leave the RV park yesterday! Nor did I put on any make up!
Not even sure I brushed my hair because I wore a hat.
I made clam chowder and a Waldorf salad for our lunch along with garlic toast.
I never make or eat clam chowder without thinking of my youngest son, Benjamin.
He loves it better than anyone I know. One year we vacationed in San Francisco - he was about 5 years old - and he ate clam chowder every single day! 

The Boudin Sourdough Bakery and Cafe had the BEST!!
My homemade version doesn't come CLOSE to being this good!
It was just okay and I'm OKAY with okay!

 Saturday night found me in the hot tub followed by a hot shower.
The air was pretty chilly but that makes the hot tub even better!!
It was a great way to end the day!

This morning we went to Second Baptist Church where Ed Young, Sr is the pastor.
We are members of Fellowship Church in Grapevine where Ed Young, Jr pastors.
After every service Louis Dean says, "That was the BEST sermon I've ever heard!"

After church Louis Dean played music......

 while I did art.

I even managed to work on something other than my Santas this painting session!
It's not finished but it will be before the week is over.
I'll paint that saw blade, too!
They are SO much faster and easier to paint!

We enjoyed a little 'live' music from the mockingbirds!

Lucy heard all the music going on and decided to check it out!

It's been a good weekend!
The guitar is silent and back in the case.
My art tub is packed and tucked under the table. I left the paintings out to dry in the breeze.
Hopefully I can work on them a little every evening now that it is still daylight when I get home.
Can you believe Daylight Savings Time starts this coming Sunday?
While it's hard to lose that hour of sleep - the extra day light will be worth it!

"Only a white man would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket and sew it to the bottom of the blanket and have a longer blanket." 

— Attributed to "an old Indian" when told the reason for daylight-saving time.


  1. Cute.. where I come from the farmers like daylight as there is more light for their crops to grow:)... Our little park has a Church in the park. It is a wonderful church..It was started by some couples 13 years ago...people come now from parks all around Yuma...if you are not there 20 mins early you will not get a seat. They have a very basic service...lots come who never go to church 'back home'...It is great! It is always the best service we have every been to tool:))

  2. The Hot Tub looks so inviting and it's good to see your outside space is put back together with lights glowing and table set up for your painting. You really have a great and pretty place at this RV resort.

  3. You sure have created a cozy retreat! Everything about your day sounds delightful. I am so glad that it'll be Daylight Savings Time next week no matter what the naysayers say. I love that "extra" hour.

  4. A resting weekend!

    I'm sure you could both use that!

    Cool pic of hot tub!


  5. Btw, I never have a tub bath (just showers). And I never get in a hot tub, or pool. Whyyyyyyyy????

    Because no matter how clean they are (tried to be) kept, the germs of others, are in there. And that water goes up into the area of "my girlie bits."

    And I do not want vaginal infections!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am I the only one, who feels this way, I wonder? Am I the only one, who ever considered this, I wonder? If people suffer with recurring Vaginal Infections, should they consider my worries, I wonder?


  6. You have so much to be HAPPY about! Glad you had a nice weekend. Do you know what I'd give to end my days with some Hot Tub relaxation? Oh, I so need to buy me one. Your such a talented cooking and art. Hope you have are having a nice week. I'm pretty excited about Daylight Savings time...more daylight makes me a happy camper :)

  7. Yum clam chowder! You'll have to share your recipe. I've never made it. Then again I'm the only one who would eat it.
    I'm not sure I'm impressed with daylight savings time. Messes with my mind and my body.
