Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Hardest Part is Nearly Over!

We knew when we came back from our last trip home that this would be the hardest part!
We have been down here in Quadville since August 26, 2012.
But THIS would be the hardest part because Amber would be out of commission.
Amber went in for a major surgery the day after we returned on January 9th.
(We have been going home once a month since we arrived last summer.)

We knew we would be working long days.
We knew we would be tired.

Amber stayed two nights in the hospital.
She was in a great deal of pain but just being back home with her babies was good medicine.
We would take the babies in by turn so she could see them.

Before long she was able to spend time with them as they played on the tummy time mats.
She still couldn't lift them and couldn't fully take care of her own needs......she couldn't even stand up straight.....
but she HAD to be with her babies!

As soon as possible she was doing her best to take part in the care of the quads!
Never mind even the simplest of tasks would wear her out!

Every day brought a little bit more recovery.
Last week we ventured outside for a little fresh air and sunshine!
The babies were carried out for her and everyone enjoyed the time together.
Notice Amber's big smile?
And that she can sit up straight without pillows?

She was getting stronger every day and could not resist taking some Valentine pics of the quads.
Look for HER pics on her blog!
I snapped this one of Granddad and the babies!
HE did the muscle work in taking the bench out and carrying babies.

Amber takes every opportunity to interact with the babies.

Louis Dean and I have both worked very hard this month!
Ten hour days have been the norm!

We have taken turns napping in the guest room.....

while the other stood watch over the quads!

Just a baby boy and his bear!

This has been a labor of love.
We knew it would be hard and - to tell the truth - it HAS been!
At days end we have gone back to the camper totally exhausted  only to get up early the next morning and do it all over again. 

We are tired. Amber is even more so!
 But she is getting stronger day by day and itching to get her game back!
It takes BOTH of us to do her job!

Tomorrow is my last day in Quadville before we return home for 10 days.
Amber has lined up help for the time we will be gone.......
a wonderful family friend, her dad and step mom, her MIL....
she is NOT up to going solo just yet!
By the time we get back all the babies will be crawling!
AND Amber will be even stronger!
This surgery has enabled Amber to regain her health.
This is something she has not enjoyed in over a year!

The hardest part is nearly over!!


  1. They are so fortunate to have you and L D there to help out... Get some rest....

  2. Gosh they are going to miss you and you them! And how will Amber do it alone for ten days?

  3. What a wonderful family you all are! You two need your rest! I'm sure the other family members will love being with those babies and helping out...but I can imagine how you will miss them!!

  4. You are wonderful. But if you wear yourselves out, and "go down in a heap", you will be of no help to anyone.

    REST! Please rest! Don't go home, and jump right back into a break-neck schedule. Of running from one part of your at-home-area family, to another, to another. Please.

    Tough Love! REST!


  5. Praise God the hardest part is nearly over! Thank you for documenting your days so well. I think it is a great testimony all the way around. Those babies are so healthy and fine that I know you've all done your part. So glad that Amber had the surgery and will be able to keep up with these darlings very nicely very soon. (Glad, though, that she has reinforcements coming in for the time you're home.)

  6. Have a safe trip home, I know it will be hard to leave those beautiful Quads, and Amber and I know you will miss them and they you, but you have done so much enjoy your time at home, knowing Amber is healing beautifully and will be looking forward to your return to help with the next round of adventures in Quadsville.
    Take care

  7. I'm echoing everyone else -- get some REST! You and LD have done a marvelous job with the babies, and now it is time for you. You will come back so refreshed after a break of 10 days. So glad to hear the news of Amber getting better every day. She is still in our prayers. And the quads are so big. Can't believe how fast this year has gone.

  8. I know how challenging it is to take care of just one baby let alone 4 and after surgery too. So glad that Amber is continuing to recover well. I know you and LD have been so vital in her recovery and the welfare of the babies. y'all deserve a break! Go home and put your feet up and drink some wine on the driveway!!

  9. You are awesome and they are so blessed to have you. I know you are blessed by them too. Enjoy your time away and take care!

  10. To God be the Glory - the Victory is at hand!!
    What a year for your entire family and you have 4 beautiful, healthy grands to prove it! Remarkable!!

  11. What a gift of love you have given your daughter! Enjoy your time at home.

  12. Linda, I tell you, if they gave an award for best and LD would absolutely win. I know just being away from your own routines is harder than people think. Even when things get back to "normal", and you are home for are going to feel different. Because by then those babies are going to be pulling at your heart strings. I wish all of you the best of health and happiness. I know Amber will forever be gratiful. xoxo,Susie

  13. I'm with everybody else. You have given of yourselves so very much. It is time for you to take a break and just rest. My guess though is that by the time ten days have gone by you will be itching to head back to those babies.

  14. A true labor of love, you and LD are to be commended for all which you have done. You're a God send to your daughter, as are the babies to all of you.

    Where does the time slip away on us? It seems not too long ago these precious babes were weighing only 2 and 3 pounds, look at them now! Each of them is totally adorable! It's amazing how a child can grow and blossom when they're surrounded by all the love each of you bestows upon them.

    Have a wonderful weekend, hats off to you as well Amber for being the amazing Mommy you are!
