Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fun and Games!

We have a lot of FUN and GAMES down here in Quadville!

Taking the babies out in their new quad stroller for a walk 
on a beautiful February Tuesday in Texas counts as FUN in my book!!
*Note my 'Grandma apron? I made it with a denim pocket to hold my phone and camera.
How else would I be able to get these great pics of the babies??

Watching these three baby girls play is FUN!
They all THREE want the very SAME toy!!
Logan had it first - then Kailey took it!

There was an exchanging of the TOY!

See Trystan's satisfied smirk?
I love it!

Back to the stroller walk........

I love their expressions!

Afternoon entertainment for Grandma.....and Logan!
Words With Friends and Scrabble.....

YAY!! We made a good word!
Just look at that baby's dimples and smile!

Every day in Quadville is a GOOD day!


  1. Oh sweet lady, you got my award for the Best Granny of 2012-13-and so on...!! I don't blame you, they're so adorable and cute!! How fun to go for a little stroller trip! God bless you all.

  2. I agree - you have beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful grandchildren (I said it 4 times) and you are a wonderful grandma.

  3. What fun! Maybe someday I can spend a day in Quadville with you. Who knows? It could happen.

  4. Oh Linda What fun..they are so sweet!! You are so fortunate to be able to enjoy them like you are!!

  5. Awww Linda, the quads are adorable and you are the sweetest Grandma.

  6. Aren't they cute in their stoller and getting so big!

  7. Oh, they can go out for a stroll?!? Lovely!!!

    YOu still have to keep people away from them, yes??? I hope so. Perhaps everyone in the neighborhood works, and there are times of the day, when no one will come bursting out of their house and *accost* you. :-)))))

    Pictures are beyond precious!


    "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
    for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."

  8. Those little ones do have some cute expressions

  9. Is that quadmobile self-propelled? Ha! It must be something to push. What an amazing thing to have and I am sure that the quads love being out for a Tuesday Drive. Hope that they got a Wednesday Drive, too.

  10. No wonder you keep beatin' me at "Words w/Friends" - Logan is helping you!! The babies are adorable and look so very healthy. Who would have thought they were so tiny and fragile at birth. Love it!

  11. You can tell just by reading your post what a "proud" grandma you are & you definitely should be. They are all just darling. Trystan's hair looks like my Annalee's. Does it have a red tint to it? Annalee is the only baby I've had that hasn't had a full head of hair!

    I sure do wish it would warm up here in Kentucky. We are ready for some warm weather and walks. I'm already counting the days till Spring down :)

  12. What a delightful way to spend a day. Those babies are so cute in that stroller. It almost looks like they are in a car.
