Friday, January 4, 2013

We are BACK in the Gazebo!

The weather has mellowed out a bit today......not nearly as cold!
Louis Dean and I both ventured outside for the first time since we arrived back home.

The gazebo has been MISSING us!!
WE have been missing the gazebo!
I went out with a bucket of pine sol water and spruced it all up a bit!
The wind had knocked over - and broken - the lamp we had out there so we made a quick trip to Goodwill and picked up another. This one is smaller in scale and makes it easier for us to see each other as we sit out there and visit.

No guests this evening.....just Lucy and Louis Dean and me.
Maggie only comes out to join us in the warmer months!
She is probably snuggled up on top of one of my sweaters stored on a shelf in my closet.
I reached in to get one the other day and felt FUR!!
She's enjoyed being back home and roaming around the place. 
In the camper she has two spots.
Tucked under the little covered chair or on the girl bunk.
Not much room in the camper so she just goes from one place to the other.

It had been awhile since we'd been out here!

The gazebo has now been put to rights but we still have so much to do!

I sacked up a large leaf bag FULL this morning.
Didn't make a DENT!
I need to cut back the roses......

and the rosemary.
Ah, I have MISSED my rosemary bushes!
I'll cut a bunch to take back to the RV park with me!

It's dark now and Louis Dean is watching a football game.
I was reading out in the gazebo until he came to get me - the pizza was ready!
Now I think I'll head back out there.
A warm blanket, glass of wine, and only 114 pages left of Jeffrey Archer's 'The Sins of the Father!'
Yes, indeed! It is good to be home.


  1. You looks so nice and comfy under your blankie, and my roses need to be cut back too!

  2. So how long with you be home in this beautiful place?

  3. Hello Linda,
    I'm so happy you hopped over to visit Sherry and me.
    I've enjoyed your post about your lovely gazebo.You look so pretty sitting all wraped up in your warm blankie.
    I hope we visit again.
    Happy New Year Hon,
    Marie Antionette

  4. I've enjoyed every post, every day, that you've written. Love reading about the quads (they are growing so fast!). Keep yourselves well.

  5. You look so content and your gazebo so warm and cozy. Life is good!


  6. I know you have missed your gazebo. It's amazing how much you have to do after just a month away. You are the second person this week who has told me that Jeffrey Archer is a good author. I definitely will have to check him out.

  7. You are hardy folks, much more so than this Yankee who can not imagine sitting out in weather much cooler than 68F. :D I suppose it is all relative. Sure looks pleasant.

  8. Glad you finally got out in the gazebo, even with a blanket.

    Oh bet your kittie-cat just loves roaming around, when at home!!!!!

  9. Oh the Texas weather has been a bit frightfully cold this past week. And quite damp here in the coastal area. I'm ready for a bit of sunshine. I don't mind the cold at all...but some blue sky would help 'bout now.

    Loved your photo of you, reading....such a perfect setting, and the lighting is so warm and comforting.

    Did you finish the book?

  10. Although it's unseasonally warm here, it's still too cold for sitting outside in the evening.

    I'm not lucky enough to have a fire but today I got a lovely surprise in the post...a virtual log fire! Just pop the DVD in and I've got a 40 inch log fire cracking away in the corner on the TV, how cool is that?

    And I swear I feel warmer when it's on, it looks great with all my candles on !!

  11. Your happiness at being home in your nest just shines through. Enjoy!

  12. Linda, When I read your post, I can tell you are comfortable being back home. I hope you and LD have a great weekend . oxoxo, Susie
