Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Time to Go.....

The house is quiet as I write tonight. 
All I can hear is the rain on the roof and the soft gurgling sound it makes going down the gutters.
Louis Dean is asleep and has been for a few hours now. 

He and I sat outside last night for a few minutes with a glass of wine - completing the list of rituals we enjoy when we are home for our monthly visits.

Today has been a perfectly PERFECT day!
Tuesday has always been one of my very favorite days of the week.
In my 'normal' life Tuesday means ART! and a movie at Starplex Theater for fifty cents and a trip to Goodwill for Senior Citizen Discount Day.
While I didn't do art - I DID do the other three with Ruth Ann (my super sweet sister in law) today!

We had a BALL!!!
She chose the movie and she chose WISELY!!!!
'Here Comes the Boom' - it was SO much fun!
We laughed and laughed and laughed!
Laughter is good for the soul!
We pretty much had the theater to ourselves - I counted FIVE other people in there!
A hot dog for $1 + Movie Meal (small drink, candy and popcorn) for $5.50 + movie for $0.50 = $7.00!
You can't beat THAT with a stick!!

Next we hit up the Goodwill! We always find SOMETHING and today was no exception!

Is this not a whimsically FUN little handbag??
It is IN the truck ready to go back with me!

13 clear glass dinner plates for $0.79 each minus the 25% discount!

I have decoupaged napkins or fabric underneath dessert plates before and love the way they turned out.

These would make a great craft to do with the grandkids this spring.

The possibilities are endless!

Of all the things I miss about home - it's my bedroom I miss the most!

Such little things like my tiny books......

the soft feminine touches of satin, lace and ribbons.

My family know me as a 'Bag Lady' and as I searched through my closet for things to take back to the camper I found this one. It belonged to my Aunt Irene for whom I am named - Linda IRENE!

This picture is from 1989 shortly after I had recovered from thyroid cancer.
I hope Nita and Deanie won't mind me sharing this. 
We were all so young and beautiful! I had just reached my 40's and they were still in their 30's.
Ah, youth! That's my brother, Lonnie.....aka Grizzly Adams! Remember him?

My mother.......I sure have missed seeing her this trip.

It's getting late. 
I've done a walk through and just need to put the vacuum away.
Only a few things for Louis Dean to load in the truck in the morning.

I bought this angel on our last trip home when Ruth Ann and I went to Goodwill.
I took her to the camper for Christmas where she graced the table.
Now she will keep watch in the foyer until we return.

"Do you know how hard it is to make a home?... That's something that a woman does from inside herself. You do it in the face of all sorts of opposition.

Samuel R. Delany


  1. Wherever you are, that's home - but it sure is a lot easier with your own bed and lovely things tucked around you. Safe journey back to the babies!

  2. What a fun day you had. I love Goodwill too. When I first saw those plates I thought what a great deal. Those would be perfect around here for my little ones. Then you shared your "creative side" and I thought wow. I would have NEVER thought of turning those plates into somethings so beautiful. You amaze me!!!

  3. Hope you had a safe trip back.

    So glad you enjoyed your time at The Big Home, well.

    Busy times coming up!


    Who has 2 posts, today.

  4. Oh I meant to ask if your mother stayed well with the plague all around her. I certainly hope so! Your home is lovely and you've created a beautiful place to land. That's the essence of home isn't it? A place to recover from the world. Off to your wee home where you have also created "home." You are an amazing creator of homes. Happy and uneventful trails to you... We'll catch you on the flip side. Oh, that's a wonderful photo of you with your siblings. Precious. Your mother must love that one.

  5. Love the quote about 'making a home'! You seem to know how to 'make a home' wherever you roam. Enjoy your time in your camper...and cuddling those babies.

  6. Have a safe trip Linda. I love looking at your trinkets, the beautiful feminine touches which make a house a home.

    The movie sounds like a ton of fun, maybe that's something I need! I'll keep that tucked away in my mind, thanks for the idea. With Netflix I don't even think of going out to theaters anymore, it's way to expensive but I see you've managed to get one heck of a good deal.

    The Christmas Angel is beautiful, I bought a new one this year and maybe I'll 'borrow' the idea of lights and wrap clear lights around her if I remember next Christmas! :-)

    Enjoy your day! Cheers.

  7. How great you and Ruth Ann spent some time together, I know you both enjoyed it.

  8. I love your quote Linda. I wish I had a buddy to run around with and do things like that. What was the movie about? And I love your buys from goodwill. Have a nice trip.

  9. Linda, I have grown to love you and LD. You seem like family to me. I hope and pray your trip is safe and fun. xoxo,Susie

  10. That black and white handbag is adorable. I really need to shop Goodwill myself. I went the one time with and one more time after that but I don't have the eye you do for the good stuff. I like what you did with those plates too.
