Friday, January 18, 2013

It's the WEEKEND!!

It's Friday night and we have been in our camper home since early afternoon! After 10 days of morning to night all  day quad care we get the weekend off! I am happy to say that Amber is recovering well. They say this is a painful surgery to recover from and I can testify that even though she puts on a brave face - she has been in a LOT of pain! I can always count on the babies to bring a smile to her face though! If she hears them laughing and playing together on the monitor she can't help herself! She HAS to come in and look at them with her very own eyes!

Both girls wanted to play with this toy - and so they did!
My sister loves the back of babies heads! Since she mentioned it I have discovered how very sweet they look.

I have said it before and I'm saying it again - 
these babies have such sweet dispositions!
They play quietly in their cribs before the 8 am feeding and then they return for a quiet play/nap time in their cribs. By 11:00 in the morning our day is fully underway!

After lunch we put down the HUGE Tummy Time Play Area and it stays out until bedtime.
I THINK you can see us playing at the link below. At least you can see THEM!
I am only showing my red socks!

I took a delicious nap as soon as we got home!

This vintage pillowcase is on the wall right above the bunk pillow.
We THINK this is one of the pieces Ellen - Louis Dean's beloved first wife - stitched.

This one hangs above it.
I stitched this so many years ago it is now vintage!

As soon as I woke up I started in on the cleaning and organizing!
When you live in a 31 foot camper you are ALWAYS cleaning and organizing!

I love my tiny little bathroom!

I combine art with storage here.
Under the hats - which I wear OFTEN! - hang my necklaces.

I tuck my fragrances in the crocheted bag which I made long long ago!

Can you see my 'Mother's Necklace' hanging in the back?
Remember when Mother's rings and necklaces were so popular?
I wear the vintage jewelry pieces.....clip earrings and a pin on a short brocade jacket over a cream knit sweater. I hope to wear this to church on Sunday.

I love this apricot tea Summer gave me at Christmas!
I brewed up a glass pitcher full and it not only tastes delicious - it SMELLS wonderful!

I am hoping to really get into my book this weekend!
We met the author at an Irish Festival in Fair Park a few years back.
I haven't gone beyond the first 50 pages. I love that moment when you really ARRIVE in a book!

We had planned on going out to dinner tonight but are enjoying being home so much we will go tomorrow instead. For tonight we are eating by the fireplace outside and then sit with our evening glass of wine.
Blue Bloods come on at 9:00. That's one of our favorite shows. Tom Selleck! Remember Magnum, PI back in the 80's? I think he has aged very well.

I do so enjoy a FRIDAY!!
Happy Weekend, Folks!


  1. I love Tom Selleck enjoy your weekend off

  2. Enjoy your weekend as well. Yes I agree, Tom Selleck has aged very well! Glad Amber is moving around carefully but hey, she is moving. She will hopefully be good as new and feeling good and healthy once again.

  3. Have a great weekend, Linda! I have been following Amber's's great to see two perspectives on the crazy and fun lives you two are living. Never a dull moment! :)


  4. Lots of "pretties" - babies & bling!
    Enjoy your weekend, and for heaven's sake,
    "Get some more rest!". LOL

  5. Hi Linda, those babies are so adorable! I'm glad to hear that Amber is healing, she'll be back on her feet in no time!

    Thanks so much for your comment on my trailer, yours looks nice too... mine is only about 10' though, so MUCH smaller! :o)


  6. Lovely babies! And I am pretty sure that no matter where you live, you are always cleaning and organizing. I once read that all housekeeping is simply moving dirt back and forth, from indoors to outdoors, where it promptly works its way back indoors. Isn't that true? :) But still we keep moving it.

  7. What sweet babes! Enjoy the weekend...and get some much-needed rest.

  8. Your camper is like living in a dollhouse!
    You have decorated it with so many pretty and sentimental details.

    The babes are so precious! I loved watching their tummy time and hearing your sweet Texas voice!

    Enjoy your weekend, the wine and that good book!

    Today, Mr D and I are spending most of the day and evening with Chrislyn, Holland Grace and Ben! We are going to sew and assemble Ben's crib bumper. After nap time, we will take a quick shopping trip to Carters, Gymboree, and Oshkosh, then make dinner. Jason, Chrislyn's hubby, has a work event to attend tonight. As you know, it's always nice to have "baby holders" around to give Mom a little break!
    Cheers to you and your loves, darling!

  9. Enjoy your weekend off. What a lovely Friday you had. It seems as if you make the most of every inch of that little trailer you have. You are so creative with your storage. Glad that Amber is continuing to heal. She, along with Mike, you and LD, are still in our prayers.

  10. Hooray for your weekend, Dear One!

    Ahhh yes, I've wanted to watch "Blue Bloods," for some time, but Fri. has been "Fringe" night. Now that 'Fringe" is ended, I'd like to pop in to see a mature "Magnum"! :-)

    Enjoy the weekend, without tooooo much work! Please! :-)))))))))

    "Auntie" sezzzzzz...


  11. I also love Blue Bloods and I must admit I too have a bit of a thing about Tom Selleck!

    So pleased to hear Amber continues to recover well and I'm also pleased you're managing to have some time just to yourselves...enjoy it!

  12. Oh my goodness! I loved watching the video! They are SO sweet. I caught your pretty southern accent too. I can see why you enjoy getting down on the floor to play with them.

  13. John got back out of bed to see this video. Ha! That's saying something. So have a sweet voice and a cute laugh.

    Yes, Tom has aged well, but I do not know this program. Must check it out.

    Hope that you two are getting a lot of rest this weekend. You surely deserve it!

  14. It amazes me what beautiful decorating you can do in such a small space!

    Hope you all enjoy your weekend!!

  15. Enjoy your weekend!! I know you'll wish those babies too!! The video was so sweet!! And I LOVE you accent...
