Monday, January 21, 2013

All Smiles!

This was a Monday chock full of SMILES!!
Little Logan Lee after her bath! heart totally melted and I told her she was my FAVORITE all day long!
Now as a mother - you know you really and truly do NOT have 'favorites!'

Although I have to tell you - she was SO darn cute!!!
I was up early this morning and left the camper at 7:30 so I could be at Quadville in time for Mike to go to work.

Louis Dean was right behind me.
You all know a Monday is NOT the day to sleep in!
We left Summer at the camper to wake up at leisure since she had the day off.

Later she and AR drove the short distance over to say good bye!
She left us with a trunk load FULL of TOYS!!!!

The babies loved them all!!!
I was happy to hear some 'new' sounds!
Louis Dean checked out the batteries and made sure everything was working then I cleaned them up and handed them right off to the quads! They loved them ALL!!
MORE smiles all around!

Amber received a good report when she went to the doctor today.
I'll let her tell it herself in her post Week by Week.
At 6:30 pm I headed BACK to the camper!

Over the weekend I found some treasures at the thrift stores......these four little frames for example.
Amber gave me some prints this afternoon and as soon as she did I knew EXACTLY what I was going to do with them! I'm leaving the lights and garland up indefinitely. The red frames will continue to look great when I replace the poinsettias with Valentines!

I have one more reason to smile tonight!
I don't have to get up early in the morning!!
A family friend will be helping April  (another family friend)...... so I can sleep in!
Truth be told, I AM a little tired.
Louis Dean cooked a supper of fried chicken and baked potatoes for us tonight.
Trouble is.....the potatoes are STILL not done!
He's playing his guitar outside by the fire - thank goodness it warmed back up (hard to believe I actually said that!) so I'll go sit with him awhile and let them finish baking.
We will be eating late but then we can stay up late tonight!
Hope YOUR Monday was as good as mine!!


  1. So happy with you that you get to sleep in tomorrow! (I have similar troubles sometimes getting the baked potatoes to cook. Often I give them a head start in the microwave just to give them a push.) What nice gifts from Summer, too. And those children are so beautiful and personable and loving and sweet. Must run over to see how Amber's doing...

  2. I know you are having a amazing time with the quads...but you must be tired...take advantage of your being able to sleep in...

  3. Thanks for all your help!! Don't come over until 2pm!!

  4. Well did you know that you great Monday...was Blue Monday....but look at that ... I don't think you every have a Blue Monday!! Have a good rest tonight:)

  5. LOVE that smile! How could it not melt your heart?
    Looks like the quads enjoyed all their new toys. It's so fun to watch them explore new things isn't it? Glad you get to sleep in tomorrow. You NEED rest friend. I do not get to sleep in tomorrow and I dread getting out and about in the cold. It is supposed to be high of 15 here tomorrow. Now that is just downright cold!

  6. Gorgeous all!

    I'm glad you admit to being a little tired. Wisdom. We aren't Super-Women, in later life, ya' know. Even if your head says you are. Please - pace - yourself.


  7. What a sweet smile. She is going to be a charmer.

  8. The babies are all so sweet playing with their new toys! I bet it's fun to watch them do that. Glad to hear that you finally get a chance to sleep late. Sleep is so important for our bodies to recover from the stress of the day. I always get run down if I don't get enough sleep!

  9. I'm glad you are getting a little break...I don't think I have ever heard you say you were tired before! Nice comfort food for supper and sleeping in sounds good to me!


  10. It's so fun to see them interested in the toys, learning and watching. The kids will always look forward to Aunt Summer's visit, she bring's toys!

  11. Beautiful beautiful little girl!

    Please take advantage of the few hours off duty, you and LD need to have a little rest.
