Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Tree is DOWN!!

I don't think I have EVER taken  the tree down so soon  after Christmas!
However, it was time for THIS one to GO!!
Normally it's dark when we get home from Quadville - thanks to these short winter days!
This morning I left Louis Dean at home to rest - he continues to suffer from allergies.
You can bet your bottom dollar we will be at the doctor's office 
when we go home for a few days next week!
I came back to the camper after the 3:30 bottle feeding so I could have a few hours of daylight to work.

I had plenty to do!

Louis Dean had not expected me home so early so he had to come to the door to see what was going on!

The tree is DOWN......and gone!
LD helped me load it in the truck and maneuver it into the 
dumpster! I was in a hurry since those trash bins fill up FAST!!

By nightfall the patio was all cleaned up, trash unloaded, 
things organized and all is ready to put the gazebo up again!
We will be doing that just as soon as Louis Dean feels like it - and as soon as it warms UP! 
Tonight will be another cold one dipping down to the freezing mark!

I want to get the place all spruced up as soon as possible!

Ben - photo taken at Summer's house Christmas night

My youngest son (who lives in California) is coming to visit Friday night!
He and Summer are driving down so I will be hosting and entertaining in the camper for
the very first time! I have cleaning to do, menus to plan and food to prepare!

He spent a WHITE Christmas in Fort Worth.
My sister, Nita, took this pic Christmas Day!
First white Christmas in the DFW area in 83 years -
Christmas day 1926!

Ben - photo taken at Nita's on Christmas morning

Just look at the dimples on that guy!!
I can't wait to see him!
It will be his first meeting with the quads!
We will spend the entire day Saturday with them!

I know.......I use way too many exclamation points!
I can't seem to help myself.......


  1. So did you take the tree down to help the allergies or get ready for your son? lol

  2. I am fond of exclamation points myself!

  3. It's all joy! =D

    Love to see that snow in the DFW area. I know that they thought of it as a an extra gift of Christmas.

    When the tree has to go it should. You need a little extra room this week anyway.

    Enjoy your preparations.

  4. Use all the exclamation points you want! Exciting things coming your way :)

    83 years, wow that is amazing!

  5. That sure was quick to get the tree down, with your son coming to visit you sound on fast forward mode! lol And for sure use all the exclamation marks you want, it's an exciting time for you and I'm extremely happy for you Linda.

    Wishing you all (or is it y'all? :-)) a blessed and Happy New Year!

  6. So exciting to have your kids come to visit you. No wonder you are using exclamation points! It's always sad to me to see the tree come down, but we all know when it is time. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of Ben meeting the quads.

  7. WOW..Ben is cute!!!!
    I am slowly dismantling Christmas..kinda sad.
    Cant wait to see pics of quads and your family together, how wonderful:)

  8. A Snow in the South! How wonderful, and beautiful!

    You must be on cloud nine, Linda! Our Jay will be leaving as your Ben arrives. I look forward to many more pictures and exclamation points!

    Season's Blessings to all!

  9. You are full of pep!

    It's good to have a reason to do lots of taking-down and etc. Goes faster, perhaps.

    Freezing in TX! Eeeeek! ,-)

    Enjoy your time with family...

  10. I use them a lot to!!!!! I heard it has been cold in Texas, Mother Nature is all over the place!

  11. My tree was up till about the 8th of January. Usually it's down on 2nd but too much going on.
    Or maybe I was just being lazy. Hmmmm
