Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sunday Past Times.....

This is the EVE of Christmas Eve and this is how we spent our day......

Watched church service at Fellowship Live.
Next best thing to being there!

I moved my Snow Lady and took down the 'real' evergreen garland from the gazebo.
That was NOT the best choice for December in Houston - especially since it was hung OUTSIDE and the sun and warm temps definitely took its toll!

We enjoyed watching Maggie. Can you see her tail?

For some strange reason she spends most of her days UNDER this chair......

and most of her nights sitting  IN it!!

 I am late in starting my Christmas puzzle!
Here it is the 23rd of December!
Living in the camper I have had a hard time figuring out where to even work on a puzzle!
There's no place to work on it over in Quadville either!
Even though Louis Dean continues to do battle with his allergies and/or asthma.....

he fashioned me a 'puzzle box' and I now have the border all done.
This is portable and can be worked on inside the camper or out on the patio.
I did a little of both today.
It can 'rest' in the girl bunk by day or the boy bunk by night.
Just maybe Summer and Benjamin will help me work on it when they visit soon.
It's a family tradition!

I shopped Target for groceries and bedding while Louis Dean napped.
Our bed springs seem to have 'sprung' so I bought a down mattress topper as well as a foam pad.
I also found a new book from a FAVORITE author!!!

I have read every single book by Jeffrey Archer and was THRILLED to find this one!!
I have been so busy with other things in life I had not even realized he HAD a new book out!
Summer and I have read them all!

We started with Kane and Abel.
You read ONE of his books - you'll read them ALL!!

This was my work station this evening.
Shelling pecans to the night sounds of insects chirping.
It doesn't FEEL like the EVE of Christmas Eve!!


  1. Looks as if you'll have a cooling trend by Wednesday. How odd to have to toss your garland so soon and to be doing so many things out of doors. It does sound pleasant, though, Linda. I love your enthusiasm for things, including puzzles. I start doing some in January. I have read some Jeffrey Archer books including Kane and Abel, which I also enjoyed very much.

  2. Sounds like a nice relaxing day for you. Just think of me all bundled up and fighting the winds and 20* weather as you are sitting outside working on your jigsaw puzzle and shelling your pecans. Must be nice. I've never had a December like that.

    I've never read any Jeffrey Archer books, but I know they are very popular at the library. I'll have to try them.

  3. Sounds like your day was pretty relaxing. Mine was as well but it's the calm before the storm I'm sure. Tomorrow is our Christmas with my parent's and then Christmas Day follows. With three kiddos I'm sure it's going to be a lot of madness but I can't wait.

    Dear Linda, you and yours have a very Merry Christmas. I can't wait to hear all about it :)

  4. 'The sound of insects' at Christmas time, and shelling pecans - do you know how exotic that sounds? Your LD is so inventive - glad to see that you have a solution for your puzzle.

  5. It doesn't much seem like Christmas here, either, due to high winds and DIRT blowing the last couple days. Oh, well...maybe NEXT year we'll have a white Christmas.
    Ya'll have fun and enjoy this beautiful season.
    xoxo bj

  6. Happy Christmas Eve...

    Happy Christmas...

