Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Babies, Cookies, and A Cherry Tomato!

 Louis Dean and I returned to Quadville this morning after a four day 'Staycation' break.

Granddad was happy to be holding a baby again!

Sometimes he held two at a time!
No baby is unhappy when Granddad is holding them!

Harrison GREW while we were gone!


Just look at how big he's getting!
I swear their looks have CHANGED since last Thursday!!

Trystan has discovered her toes!!!

Ah! That little smile just melts my heart!

Is this not the sweetest thing??
Louis Dean called me to come running with my camera!
Harrison and Kailey were just talking to each other!


Little Logan is already using modern technology.
I believe she starts her typing lessons tomorrow!

They will be helping me in the kitchen before I know it!
I baked up a batch of cookies in between feeding and holding babies.
Louis Dean promised the RV Park office folk a plate full.
I used to do so much baking and candy making at Christmas 
but have found myself doing less and less each year. 
Louis Dean nor I need to be eating so many calories.
Still......it was nice to bake a little this afternoon.
I miss it. But not enough to do much about it!

Last night I prepared the Girl Scout style dinner and it was all ready to pop in the oven just as soon as we walked in the camper door this evening!

We also had a salad which featured a very special little Tomato!
Poor Louis Dean misses the garden he had back in Brownwood where he lived before we married!
He grew some great vegetables. He's tried and tried to garden in Irving but we simply do not have the room. Even container gardens haven't done well.
So you can understand how proud he was of this cherry tomato!
I told HIM to eat it and he told ME to eat it!
We ended up cutting it in half!


  1. Those sweet babies have reached the age where they are just too comical. Love your pictures...keep it up! Yummy cookies and I haven't done the girl scout thing except for on an outdoor grill...have to try it in the oven! :)


  2. Precious times continue, for you two. :-)

    I'm so glad that LD is having fun with this gardening project! :-)

  3. Hope that you had just enough to really taste it!

    Those grands of yours continue to amaze us. John always wants to know when you're up so he can come see them, too. What a sweet and personable bunch. How nice that they enjoy time with Grandpa and that he has the ability to knock them out like that. Ha!

  4. Those babies are growing!!! I look forward to seeing them all in the kitchen with you!

  5. True love...sharing that tomato....the grands are so very cute.

  6. The quads are growing so fast that before you know it they won't be babies anymore :( Love the picture of Harrison in a hat. So cute. Those cookies look wonderful. Send some to Philly when you bake next time. Ha, ha.

  7. Those babies are just sooo cute and getting so big,Harrison in the hat is priceless.Looking forward to seeing Grandma and the Quads making cookies:)
    LD, hope your little tomato was tasty;)
    Merry Christmas

  8. Such a wonderful life you have! I always enjoy reading your adventures. I do have a question my daughter wanted me to ask you. What kind of paint did you use to do the babies hand prints on the wreath....she has something up her sleeve with her little one (7 weeks old)! Thanks you for sharing, I always look forward to reading your posts! A friend in East Texas, Pam. PS - you can e-mail me at johnstonpam@ymail.com

  9. hi linda, i emailed you. curious in today's post---louis dean is from brownwood??? that's my hometown & graduated there but moved to DFW area in '68, my mom is still there! i see above you have another pam in texas friend....aren't you the luckiest. lol great, as always, post.
    pam m. burleson,tx

  10. Love the pictures with ld and babies but I love. The picture of Harrison spotting the hat. :0).
