Sunday, November 25, 2012

I am a HAPPY Camper!!!

The days following a holiday are almost always exhausting for me!
Thanksgiving was no exception! I had used up just about every bit of energy I had -
physical, mental, spiritual AND emotional!

We spent Friday in a stupor of sorts. Stupors can be GOOD things.
Louis Dean says they are one of his FAVORITE things.
Stupors mean you simply SIT and BE.
That's probably something we could do more of and be better off.

We headed back to Amber and Mike's late Friday afternoon.
Jesse and Cynthia had left late morning.
They had been a big help!  
Jesse helped Mike put up the Christmas tree and haul down all the decorations.
We kept the babies while Amber and Mike took in a movie.

After we fed the quads Louis Dean was going to take advantage of being over there and take a long hot bath!

I snapped this pic as he was SNEAKING off with an extra piece of pumpkin cheesecake in his hand!

While he was soaking I was opening up a box of goodies from our good friend, Dawn.
Just LOOK at all those scrumptious COFFEES!!!
And the BOOKS!!!
Just what we needed!!
I immediately brewed me up a cup of the Pumpkin Spice coffee and opened up a new book!

We spent the entire day Saturday doing projects around the camper.
We're really not 'home' very much and I had several things I needed to do.

You can't see this very well but I wanted to paint the white trim around this window.
It was heavily smeared with SOMETHING like putty. I thought it wouldn't show up as much if it were painted!

So I did and it doesn't!!

Then there were these worn cupboard drawers I wanted to trim out ever since we started this camper redo!

So I did THAT, too!
Plus some general cleaning and organizing.
We are going home next week and it's always a challenge to take some clothing back and bring in some fresh and different things to wear.
I took ALL of fall down and we have it packed in the truck ready to roll.
We'll be making the trip in the TRUCK this time.
We STILL don't have A/C and since it's nearly December you wouldn't think that would be a problem - 
unless you live in TEXAS!! We'll be carrying Lucy with us as well but will leave Maggie here.

As night fell we hung fresh garland and COLORED LED lights in the gazebo.
I have to admit they are pretty!

We had enough lights but needed more garland!

Saturday Night's Entertainment?
Home Alone!
Louis Dean had only seen that movie ONE time!!!
I can't even COUNT how many times I have seen it!!

This morning we got ready for church.
Louis Dean is sporting a brand new shirt with fancy buttons!

Second Baptist in Katy, Texas is all decked out for Christmas!

We arrived early enough for a cup of coffee and some people watching!

Lots and LOTS of people!!
Does our hearts good to see so many people going to church!

We went home for a quick sandwich and then were off again!
Sam's (more garland!), Home Depot (Christmas tree) and the Dollar Store (everything else!) -
and then we started!


Louis Dean is SUCH a good sport!!

We have the garland, lights AND tree up and LIT!!

I'm a happy camper!
I admit to feeling a little blue after Thanksgiving and missing the magic I always felt when I pulled Christmas decorations down the day after.
I am so thankful for my sweet husband who is sitting out there by the tree right this minute waiting for me to pour our wine and join him.

I know it's early but let me be one of the FIRST to wish you......

a VERY merry CHRISTmas!!!!


  1. your decorations look Mom decorated this weekend...I always wait till December to decorate...but started gettting some things ready for Hotrod to make Christmas ornaments...

  2. Glad to hear you had a stupor Friday! Great pics.

  3. Somehow, I have a problem associating the word "stupor" with the two of you. You more than made up for it! The Gazebo looks wonderful!

  4. You two do 'stupor' with more energy than most people do 'energized'! I like your Christmas-decorated home on wheels!

  5. Oh it looks great Linda! I love the garland, lights and tree. Just beautiful. I haven't even pulled our tree out of the garage yet and frankly just can't get into the mood to do so.

    I love all your pics of LD. The one with him sneaking off with the pie cracked me up. I first saw it on FB and couldn't help but chuckle.

    Sounds like you had quite a productive weekend my friend. Now take the week to rest and enjoy all those decorations.

    BTW- I've seen Home Alone a billion times too. Such a great movie

  6. Just precious... All the pics are. But especially the all-decked-out-one. He is sweet to go along with what makes you happy. :-))))))))))))))

  7. Your tree and other Christmas lights look so pretty! I'm glad that you were able to find room to place a tree at your camper. You are lucky to have the warmer weather to be able to sit outside and enjoy it. It has been so cold here!

  8. Great pics and decorations. You guys look great - love the pic of you with the tree. It was really nice seeing so many people in church on a holiday weekend.
    I am thinking the people in that RV park are lucky to have you.

  9. Looks wonderful with all the Christmas decorations up - but I want to know how Thanksgiving went. lol sandie

  10. I'm smiling about men knowing how to do 'stupors' well. So true! My hubby calls it his 'nothing box'. It's looking mighty Christmassy over there already. So glad you are such a 'happy camper'. It's contagious.


  11. I was surprised to learn from reading a number of Thanksgiving posts that many people put their Christmas decorations up straight after! I always thought that you did that only just before Christmas.

    I think I do mine quite early compared to some people over here but I never put them up until the first of December. And they come down the day before 12th Night.

    It's amazing how much you learn doing this blogging lark!
