Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Man in the Kitchen!

That's MY man in the kitchen!

This is our CAMPER kitchen and this morning Louis Dean made some seriously GOOD breakfast burritos! We then loaded up the car with baking things and headed over to Amber's for the day.

There he stayed busy in HER kitchen - baking dinner rolls for Thanksgiving!

They turned out butter rich and delicious!!

Trystan and Harrison could NOT believe THEY weren't allowed to have one!
They SMELLED so good!
Mike explained to them rolls weren't on their pureed menu!

While MOST of the rolls will be served Thursday, we DID have to slather some butter on a few of them for a 'Taste Test!' It was late by the time we headed back to our camper. 
Amber and Mike requested we leave enough for their dinner tonight - soup and bread!

Tomorrow Louis Dean will move his 'kitchen' to the outside gazebo area.

Pardon our laundry hanging out to dry.
We have taken down most of the fall decorations.
Tomorrow LD will strip it down clean and set up his outdoor kitchen where he will man the roaster. 
We have a BIG turkey all ready to cook!
I'll be helping Amber with the quads til early afternoon then I'll come back and help him do the dressing! Amber's dad and step mom are arriving tomorrow to see the quadruplets for the very first time!

It's been a long day and one of the perks of living in this RV Resort .......

is having a heated pool and hot tub to soothe my aching muscles!
While I soaked my tiredness away......

Louis Dean waited on the lounger!
It's a perfect evening here in Texas - feels more like spring than fall.

We'll get a good night's rest and then finish up all our cooking tomorrow!

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare.  They are consumed in twelve minutes.  Half-times take twelve minutes.  This is not coincidence. 

 ~Erma Bombeck


  1. Hope you take lots of pictures tomorrow, especially that turkey roasting. Love the sweet picture of the little ones holding their heads up to see what is going on.

  2. Those Buns look oh so good have a great thanksgiving

  3. I LOVE the babies looking up with the perfect expression... and they are right... I KNOW those smell to good to be left out... puree or not. LOL Oh well I know they will have the opportunity to eat many rolls in the future. *sigh* but kiddo's don't become rolly pollies. :-)

  4. OOO, his rolls look so good. Making mine toonight.
    What a blessed Thanksgiving it will be with 4 little new people sharing it with ya'll.
    Yes, our Texas weather has been awesome.
    Happiest Thanksgiving....to ALL of you. :))

  5. Your kitchen in the camper looks pretty roomy! LD seems like such a good man! I love a man that cooks in the kitchen and isn't afraid of holding and taking care of babies. He is definitely a keeper (as I've said before). Ha! Those rolls look delicious. Bread is my weakness. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looks like you're already getting started! Btw, I'm jealous of your mild weather. We're having nice weather too, but not warm enough to go swimming!

  6. Louis Dean is something else. My Mom used to make rolls like that. Yummy. I am going to borrow the erma bombeck quote. Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Those rolls look amazing. Hmmmmm... I can smell them. At one point today I was quite convinced that I could live on bread alone. Sounds as if your Thanksgiving will be extra special and interesting. Perhaps you'll share how it goes. =)

  8. Maybe I ought to put my order in for rolls by LD for my Christmas dinner. ;o) He does make some yummy good rolls. I'm drooling just thinking about them.
