Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Simple Abundance - A Daybook of Comfort and Joy

I love this book by Sarah Ban Breathnach!

I am a journal keeper and have kept to a routine of reading and writing daily for many, many years. I continue to write in my Country Diary every morning after a quiet time of reading the Bible. Every day I read a Psalm and chapter of Proverbs in addition to a little devotional book. THEN I read my special copy of Simple Abundance.

The reason it is so special? My niece gave this book to my Mother in 1998.
(She had a stroke in 2005 and can no longer read like she could before.)
Mother loaned it to me in 2000 and I just never gave it back!
I read it through every year. The author has written other books but this one is my favorite! Thank you, Leah!!

My life is abundantly blessed!
I have so much for which to be thankful!

Just look at all these little baby toes!!
Oh, how I LOVE Baby Toes!!!
I can tell just by looking at their feet which baby is which!

Amber did a 4 month photo shoot with the quads the other day!
These are the 'Grandma' pics I snapped!
You will have to check out her blog post on them when she gets it done!
She is so creative and talented!

Not only am I blessed to be here with the quads so much of the time -
I have this awesome husband who loves my family as if they were his own blood!
He loves me and has even embraced and supported my love of 'debris!'
That's what he calls all my decorations!
I have tried to cut down and back - but I can't!
He said he did not marry me to change me - so he enables me!
He feels the same way about his music - music is his passion - and I totally support HIM in THAT!!

We're even blessed with our critters!
Can you see Maggie's tail under the chair?
She was peering out the camper door - UNTIL I tried to take her pic!
We have Lucy and Maggie here in the camper with us and they have adapted very nicely!

We are also blessed with this great spot in an AWESOME RV Resort!!
That's the rec building right across from our camper!
To the left is the pool complete with hot tub!
We sit out in our little make shift gazebo and watch the moon come up nearly every night!

As I drove back this afternoon guess who I saw walking along the side of the road?

We are simply living an ABUNDANT life these days!!

"I am come that ye may have life and that more abundantly."
John 10:10


  1. Love those baby toes ... And you get 40 of them

  2. I love the babies!!! And I did that book years ago - good one.

  3. Life is good, Linda! I LOVE that book and refer to it all the time. I believe it has rescued me many times from grief, sadness and frustration.

    It's hard to believe the babies are already 4 months old! And SO cute! They have blessed all of your lives!


  4. I think Logan and Trystan look so much alike, and there is a definite resemblance in them all. It will be interesting to see how this changes/or not as they grow...Wonderful that you are enjoying your abundance.

  5. What beautiful babies. I am going to Amber's to see more. Yes, you are living the life. And it is wonderful and what's more wonderful is that you recognize it as an abundant life and give God the glory. We could have a prayer meeting!

    Oh, thank you for telling us that what was under the chair was the dog's tail. I thought it was a sock. Ha. Too funny!

  6. Sometimes it's the simple things that can fill your heart with pure joy! LOVE this post & I for one LOVE your debris :)

  7. Looking at the picture of the rising moon gave me such a sense of peace and contentment. What a wonderful life you are living. How blessed you are.

  8. Linda, this was a perfect post simply bubbling with your thanksgiving and joy in your circumstances. I love your cozy trailer and your outside sitting area. You have moved me to 'good works' as I have a bunch of fall decor out in the garage in big bins and if one of my girls will help me, I think we will get it up this year! Nothing as fancy as yours, but still a good reminder of the season we are in.

    I just found the note last nite that you left me on my blog over two weeks ago. (I have fixed it so it will let me know if I have any comments)I've been thinking about doing some posts again after three years off. I have a couple of things in mind. Your post today has cemented my thoughts about posting about my "joy book".

    Now for the best--leaving it for last!! Those babies are beautiful, lively, thriving, and look so huggable, I wish I could get my hands on them!! They are lovely and exquisite works of art designed by our loving God. You are all so blessed!!

    Keep up the good works!! What a ministry the Lord has given you for this special time in your lives.


  9. Lovely post.

    Precious photos.

    Gentle hugs,

  10. Love your post! Like seeing pictures of where you are so when I think or read about you, I can visualize. Imagine knowing the quads even by their toes! You are amazing!

  11. I love your gratitude for life. It's so contagious! I would agree that you are very blessed. That's because you are such a good person. You are a good mom, wife, grandmother and daughter. You give so much to other people without complaining and it has come back to you full circle. I have that book too and love it. I have some of her other books too. I know Oprah would approve of you keeping a journal and recording what you're grateful for. She encourages that for a healthy life. It must be working! Love your spot at the RV park too. Looks like it's working out well.

  12. Those baby's get cuter with each photo you show us.:) It is nice to have a loving and supportive husband. It tickled me to hear your husband cause your decorations debris.

  13. That hat on Harrison cracked me up. Too cute. Kaily really does look like Amber and I see Trysan had a dimple there. and Logan seems to just put up with it all.
