Monday, October 22, 2012

MONDAY! Monday!

It has been a Monday all day long! I LOVE Mondays! The whole week is fresh in front of you just loaded with possibilities! I was READY for this Monday since I took Sunday to REST! You know, I really am NOT the Energizer Bunny! I get as tired as the next 64 year old! For some reason God has given me the ability to PUSH through and keep going even when I am worn out! That's a GOOD thing and I am blessed.
 I THINK!! It may all catch up with me some day. But not today!

Amber sent me a text message last night saying she was sick!
I didn't see it until this morning since I was RESTING and already in bed asleep when she wrote it! Louis Dean and I arrived for the day by the time the quads were ready to feed at 10 am.

Amber quickly got a doctor's appointment!
She was NOT taking any chances with the babies' health and wanted to rule out strep or any other serious health issue.

I gave the babies all baths and stripped ALL bedding from pack and plays as well as cribs. Laundry ensued.

While I did the formula for the next 5 feeds Louis Dean did what he does best.
Hold babies!!! SING to babies!

He loves them all but Kailey has a special spot on his chest!

Once home Louis Dean gave Lucy a bath, lit the fireplace, and poured the wine while I cooked dinner......scalloped potatoes, garlic green beans, baked fish with rosemary, and garlic toast.

I think we have had a good Monday!
Now we are ready for the debate on TV tonite.
I just MAY be eating a couple of those Hostess Chocolate donettes you see in the background!!

I DO love my Mondays!!!


  1. Hope Amber is feeling better soon!
    p.s. Those babies are sooooo cute!

  2. Oh what a Monday!!....My hubby is anxious to hear about the debate.

  3. You rescued our day completely!! Thanks again for ALL the help! Enjoy some donuts, you earned them! Love you :)

  4. I hope Amber is okay....she is so lucky to have you and LD there to pitch hit....

  5. (I'm listening, but I can't watch...someone drives me bonkers. Ha!)

    Oh I'm sorry that Amber is not feeling great. Hope that she bounces back and I'm glad that she went straight to the doctor. Good girl.

    Glad that you got your rest. Are you folks able to take echinacea? It sure helps me to stay vertical and avoid flu and cold season.

  6. Love your cloud picture. You know I love to look at skies! Amber did the right thing to get to the doctor right away. Hope it is nothing serious.

    I'm watching the debate now. I go back and forth on who I want, but these debates have really helped me to make up my mind.

  7. I'm so glad that your 'rest day' worked its magic and you are back to normal (or super-Grandma-normal!)
    I hope Amber is soon feeling better.

  8. So nice to read of someone, who likes Mondays!!!!

    Oh hope all is well with Amber. Life in masks is not easy. Poor Mommy.

    She is soooo lucky, to have the two of you so near by.


  9. Hope Amber is feeling better soon.
    While I am not a big fan of Mondays I am of those donuts, hope you enjoyed a few while watching the debate.

  10. I have a good friend who thinks Mondays are the absolute best! Glad you had a super Monday...despite a sick daughter. Hope she is better soon.

  11. I wish I loved Monday's like you. I should change my way of thinking it sounds like. I like the way you think!! So sorry to hear that Amber is sick. I'm sure she is grateful to have you jump in and help her out. What a lifesaver! We watched the debate last night too. Hard to believe that the election is right around the corner. How exciting! Glad you are feeling more energy these days too. Now....don't you get sick too!

  12. Hi Linda,
    I have enjoyed catching up with you and Amber. The Babies are growing beautifully! Its so fun to see them. Babies can catch so many icky germs, I don't blame Amber a bit for being so careful. We always washed our hands before picking up our babies. My mom would get so mad when she saw a friend or family member kissing our babies on the lips..That's a big no-no in her book.
    We watched the debate too last night and already sent in our voting ballet.
    I hope you enjoyed the donuts, they sure do sound good.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  13. Mondays could be better if I didn't have to get up by 5:30am.
