Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Craft With The Grandkids!

Today was a FUN FALL FRIDAY!!!

I forgot to take pictures of my Mother but I spent several hours with her this morning.
She is back to her old self after the surgery to remove the cancerous mole on the side of her face. We had lunch at the Black Eyed Pea and I had TONS of photos to show her!! She and I had a good visit and were glad we had the time to 'catch up!'

I left Mother to take a nap and headed to the grandkids' place!
I arrived in time to set up the craft table before going with my lovely DIL to pick the kids up at school!

I LOVE it that they get so excited when they see me!
This is Levi and I think every family should have a fun fellow like him!
But only ONE!!

An artsy pic of Faith and me!

This is my first born grandchild, Sam!
He is the spitting image of his handsome dad!

I missed his 10th birthday but came bearing his gift!
(Too bad he already has one just like it!)
What in the world do you get for their birthdays and Christmas??

The grands live in such a pretty neighborhood!
I love driving down this pretty forest covered lane!

We started our fall project as soon as we got home from school -
painting the blocks and then allowing them to dry.

All the kids love Peach Cobbler and today was Faith's very first time to make it all by herself! She did a bang up job of it, too!!!

I SO enjoyed seeing Faith in the kitchen!
She is a true homemaker in the making!!!

The cobbler was ready for the oven!

And we went out to finish our fall craft!
I neglected to take a picture after they put the letters on the blocks.
The project turned out very nicely!

We had a good time together!

Faith's Peach Cobbler was perfect!!!
She copied down the recipe on her very own special recipe card!
Now she can make it anytime she wants!

You can find the recipe HERE!

We're already making plans for our November visit!
Next month I will be picking them up and taking them HOME with me!!!
Sometimes you just need to go to MiMi's house!!!


  1. Lovely. That leafy lane is so special! Take care

  2. So glad to hear the news about your mother. She is an amazing lady.

    What fun to spend the day with the grandkids. The blocks that spell out fall are such a good idea. I think I'll make it for myself!

    P.S. I love peach cobbler.

  3. As precious as the Quads are, this is a lovely post too! With the older "Grands." So, so, so nice.

    I love it that you do things with them, when you get home. :-)


  4. Oh what fun! They do look happy to see you and I know that you were happy to see them. What a great-looking bunch. Talented, too. I'm off to snag the recipe.

  5. Great crafty idea! You are making great memories.

  6. I so love how YOU love spending time with the grands. I love my time with mine, too. We are blessed, Linda....

  7. Linda, You had a fun did I. My g.daughter came for the weekend. just got home from delivering her back to her parents. We crafted also. You have a good little cook there. I love when kids really want to learn. Smiles, Susie

  8. you are the awesome mimi, they will always remember that!!

    adorable kids doing such a cute craft!!

  9. I would definitely vote for you to recieve grandma of the year award.:)

  10. I don't have grandchildren yet, but can well imagine just how fun your visit was with them. Looks like you all are very close.
