Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grandma to the FOURTH Power!!

 Amber gave me this t shirt yesterday!

I put it on this morning and will wear it proudly!

We arrived back in Quadville about 8:00 am yesterday.
Louis Dean did, indeed, get up and had us on the road by 2:45 am.
I slept - he drove! Win! WIN!!

We had our little Ford Fusion packed tighter than a drum!

We were NOT traveling light, let me tell you!

We brought back blankets, sweaters, books, food, decorations......
we even managed to unload it all by the end of the day!

But FIRST! A cup of coffee to get us started on our 'work day!'
Tuesdays and Thursdays LD and I both 'work' taking care of the quads while Amber gets out to do errands and her own work. She has her own free lance writing company and usually has several projects going at one time - all with dreaded DEADLINES!!
It's just so much easier for her to take her laptop and go to Starbuck's!
We go back to the camper for dinner on Tuesdays and then return for a night shift where we get up with the babies for the late night and early morning feedings.
You could say we work a split shift!

It is a true labor of love!
I was SO happy to see little Logan Lee - who is NOT so 'little' any more!

All the babies are weighing in around 10 pounds now!

Kailey Love

Trystan - the one with the wide open eyes! All the time!

The BOY! Harrison!
And guess WHAT???

I was snapping pics during Tummy Time and Harrison picked THIS moment.....

to ROLL OVER!!! And I was right there to get a pic - even if it IS a blurry one!
He was MOVING!!
That's the beauty of living in Quadville -
I get to see all the first time experiences first hand!

They won't be small for long!

I love getting to see the babies interact with each other - even in their sleep.

When I look at Kailey it's almost like I have gone back in time and have Baby Amber in my arms again. I put this bib on Kailey today. It was one I had stitched for Amber some 27 years ago!

Yes, we are back in the Land of QUAD!
And I am loving it!

Check out Amber's blog for her latest post: NICU Memories!


  1. Oh my gosh you are having the time of your life! I love your shirt. That was so sweet of her. The babies are beautiful!

  2. Your "quad" days are filled with so much joy and happiness! And you make a wonderful grandma! Love seeing pictures of these gorgeous babes!


  3. Sweetness abounds! ☺

    Love seeing them holding hands, rolling over, modeling bibs, and keeping watch on you all.

  4. I so much enjoy your quadland...such sweet pictures today.

  5. What a treat to get that picture of one of the babies rolling over! I'm sure Amber was thrilled to have that documented. It sounds like Amber going to Starbucks to work is probably the best way for her to focus. If I heard everything going on at home around me I'd be distracted too.

  6. You can tell in your eyes you are loving every minute in "Quadville"
    You are one Loving Wonderful Grandma.
    The babies are getting so big and cuter each time you post thier pictures.
    Were your "furbabies" packed in the car also?

  7. what a cute happy you made it back to Houston safe and that car was packed....

  8. Everyone looks so healthy and happy!
    You live and give so much joy!

  9. Such a precious post!!!!!!!!

    And how super is that?!? You *caught* a first roll-over!?! Totally precious.

    Gentle hugs,

  10. I can't imagine a better place to be than Quad Land!

    Those babies sure are growing. I love that you captured the first roll over. Too precious!

  11. Linda, Honestly, if I lived close by, I would gladly come help all of you...just so I could hug those sweet babies. I can see they are growing. God is good. Give Amber hugs from me. Smiles to all of you, Susie
    p.s. L.D. is a good man.

  12. OMGosh...there's so many blessing flowing in and out and all about...the babies being blessing #1..a healthy and fit Amber, you, being the grandmother of this amazing "mess" of babies, Amber and hubby having such wonderful help from you and LD...LD, for being married to one of my heros....

    Gosh O'Mighty but they are gettin' big, FAST...and that roll over photo...AWESOME.

  13. How nice to see thm all flourishing! You have your hands full...and love every minute of it, I'm sure. Enjoy your time in 'quadville'.
