Saturday, September 22, 2012

All Dressed Up For Fall!!

I have had such a good time 'dressing' our camper for FALL!!!
I brought fully HALF of all my decorations back down here to Houston!

This is my favorite season and I am loving every minute of it!

Everywhere (except in the bedroom!)  I look - there's a touch of FALL!!

I am happy to say that Louis Dean and I actually eat at the table now!!!
When we're at home he often sweet talks me into having our meals in the den.

I like having a chicken coop at the end of the table!

Lots and lots of PUMPKINS!!

I am enjoying the coziness of 'home' - even if it IS a camper home!

I love all things 'Fall!'
The pot holders are from my blogging friend, Kathy!
Thank you, Kathy!!!

Our Goblin Wine Goblets are sitting on top of the fridge in the pumpkin patch!

My favorite wine on the right and a wine light made from an empty bottle on the left.
The pumpkin coffee cup was purchased in Marshall, Texas at Marshall Pottery.
It's my favorite and I drink from it every morning from September 1st to November 30th! The bag in the middle holds Fulton's Harvest Pumpkin Pie Cream Liqueur - another fall favorite!

I hope to hang a corner cupboard in this 'vacant' area above the TV.
The painting is usually displayed outside in the gazebo area but I bring it in when we're not at home.

My one pumpkin pillow!

I used a round tablecloth to add a touch of fall to the rocking chair.

The fall vest is a little too big for me but I couldn't resist using it as a window hanging.
September in Texas is still pretty HOT warm and living in a tin can camper can get uncomfortably WARM unless you keep the sun OUT!!

I love the lighted garland!
Louis Dean even put me in a special outlet so I could use plenty of lights!!!

We have a fairly good sized living area!

Added a few touches of fall to my bathroom.
My fragrance of the month? Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden.

A Fall Leaf necklace and my favorite cap make for added decorations!

And how about some oak leaves on the mirror?

So that's it for the Fall Camper Tour!!
I've been working outside decorating the gazebo makeshift area today.
I have to admit - we're having a grand old time living in the RV!
I have the best of BOTH worlds these days!
A camper home and a city home!
BOTH are now FALL ready!!!


  1. Good job, GF!!
    It all looks like Y-O-U!!
    So glad you are enjoying the season change.

  2. Thank you for the link to my blog. I am so glad you are enjoying the potholders my mom made. She would be happy too.

    Your little camper is so beautiful all decorated for fall. You have so many things to decorate with! And it looks cozier all the time.

  3. OMGoodness...this is the cutest little camper...ever. You've really had fun with it and THAT'S A GOOD THING.
    Being close to daughter and "crew" makes it all just PERFECT.
    Happiest Fall, dear one.
    xo bj

  4. YOU are soooooo cute!

    And you make everything around you, sooooooo cute!

    Homey, homey, homey, homey, homey... And cozy tooo...

    Happy Autumn,

  5. Never seen anyone like to decorate like you do but glad it makes you happy.

  6. Linda, I am convinced that you could create home under a bridge! It's so cute I can hardly stand it. (I can't believe that you have only one of anything, except for Louis Dean.)

  7. Love your decorating:)
    You decorate places I would never think of..fall leaves on the mirror great idea! May have to copy that one;)
    I love pumpkins, is that larger pumpkin a tray?

  8. Everything looks so fun and have made your camper a true home with your magic touch! I wish I could send you a bit of our cool weather to make it feel more like fall down there!


  9. Hi Linda! I found you on Blondie's Journal. My late husband and I had a camper and I decorated it too. Everything looks fantastic! I miss him and our time living in our camper home.
    Some of the little magnets on my range hood, I saved and they are my refrigerator. Every time I look at the little Home Sweet Camper still hurts.

    Nice to meet you.

  10. Home Sweet Home. Even if it is on wheels.

  11. I'm with Vee. You could make a beautiful home under a bridge. Such a beautiful job!

  12. So cute...Your love for decorating tickles me.
