Monday, July 9, 2012

Soul Food!

Louis Dean and I have been hungry for 'REAL FOOD!'
We have been so busy that we just haven't taken the time to grocery shop much lately.
But we ALWAYS have pinto beans in the pantry so that's what we cooked up.
LD swears by his pressure cooker but he forgot to put the 'pressure dingy thing' on!
The beans were NOT done in time for supper last night so we refrigerated them and cooked them some more today. AGAIN - he forgot the 'thingy!' It's a wonder we ever got those beans done!! I baked up a cast iron skillet of corn bread, sliced an onion, poured us up some tall glasses of ice tea with lemon and we were in business!
As a matter of fact - we ate so well - that's the ONLY meal we've had all day!

I made a peach cobbler to finish but it is still sitting on the stove.
I'm sure Louis Dean will have some as a midnight snack!

Since I am leaving in the morning to go down and see the Quad Squad I decided to make some treats for Amber and Mike and the NICU nurses.
This is German Chocolate Chess Bars.

I had to 'test' them before packaging them up! I only scraped up some of the crumbs but they are GOOD!!

They LOOK good, too, and made the house smell like a bakery!

I found this recipe when I was going through my cookbooks the other day and vaguely remember it. I do NOT recall who gave me the recipe but I decided to try it out this afternoon. It calls for a loaf of white bread!

I seldom EVER buy plain white bread!

I kind of enjoyed rolling the slices FLAT!
This would be fun to do with the grand kids!

Spread with a cream cheese/egg yolks/sugar filling and rolled up, cut in thirds, brushed with butter and rolled in cinnamon sugar then baked crisp - these were delicious!
(I tried ONE small blini!)

Packaged up and ready to give!

I am SO ready to get back down to see the quads. By the pictures Amber has been posting on Facebook I can see they have done a lot of growing!
My job tomorrow is to learn how to feed them their bottles. Preemies are a bit different than full term babies and I am ready to learn!

Amber created the birth announcement using their one month pictures.
This would still make them just 34 weeks (nearly!) as opposed to the traditional 40 week full term babies. So I guess you could say they are still 'newborn!'

I am hoping she will give me some extras so I can send some of you Prayer Warriors one. It has been an amazing journey and it looks the next part of the adventure is about to begin!!


  1. The beans and cornbread look so good. Love your packaging on your sweet treats they will love them.

  2. Happy trails, Linda! They must love to have you show up with treats in hand. You're going to have so much fun being with the babes again and making sure that Amber is doing well and feeling fine. She's sure looking wonderful. What a sweet birth announcement!

  3. favorite meal beans...I always loved my Nanas cornbread...hubby grew up with hotwater corn is good that baby announcement...have a safe trip...give those sweet angels a little hug from me...

  4. All of that food looks delicious! You are the sweetest person to make treats for the nurses! I'm sure they look forward to your visits. Amber is already doing such a good job with the babies. She already has them dressed cute and their announcements ready. I just adore their little numbered onesies marking the order of their birth!

  5. I am not a beans person, but the cornbread looks amazing. I think I have your cornbread recipe. I will have to pull it out and make it.

    Have a safe trip down to see the babies and Amber and Mike. I love the birth announcement. So cute.

  6. Beans, Cornbread & Peach Cobbler is my favorite meal! Lady if I lived closer I'd definitely be coming over for dinner.

    LOVE those announcements, just adorable. Be careful on your way to see the Quads :)

  7. All of your food looks so darn good! Yum!

    The Quads are adorable. That is the cutest birth announcement I've ever seen.

    Have fun feeding the little ones!

  8. Peach cobbler for midnight snack sounds good to me! Have a safe trip and enjoy your time of lovin' on those grandbabies.

  9. That is one of my very favorite meals, we call it "Farmer Brown Supper". Yummy!!

  10. Mmmm. real comfort food is always welcome. I love beans and cornbread and your German chocolate chess cakes squares look devilish. The baby announcement is the sweetest ever. Amber is such a great Mom. Enjoy your trip. Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  11. The food looks delicious, the babies adorable and where you find time to do it all is beyond me... you're an amazing lady Linda! Give all of those babies a huge hug and kiss from me k? :-)

  12. Linda, You are one busy woman!! So glad the quads are doing well and that you are going to go see them. Give them each a kiss from all of us . Blessings to Amber and her sweet family. Smiles, Susie

  13. As a former RN I know that the nurses in the NICU must have loved receiving those yummy home made treats, your treats, Linda! That was so thoughtful of you and I love the pretty labels you put on the packages.

    I am so happy to read all your updates here, and on facebook, and see that Amber and the babies are all doing so well. I'm sure in another couple of weeks they will begin to go home one by one. In the meantime make sure Amber is getting the rest she needs.

    I love the babies birth announcement! They are a precious miracle!

  14. All unfamiliar food to me, but it certainly looks delicious!

    Safe journey.
