Sunday, July 15, 2012

Going Home - Coming Home!

I am going home today. I don't WANT to leave all the blessedness of being around this wonderful GROUP of babies!! I am wishing I could be in two places at the same time these days! But our camper is not ready yet and for some wild unknown reason Louis Dean works better and is happier and more productive when I am there to get in his way, bring him a beer or move his hammer where he can't see it and he starts mumbling about having it just a minute ago!! He has made a good amount of progress while I've been gone this time but we need to step it up a notch - or two!


Guess who came to dinner here last night?????
And I believe she will be a long term diner around here - like for the next 18-20 YEARS!!!

Miss Kailey Lee - or a Mini Amber - is at HOME!

Call me sentimental but I was sitting out here in their front yard watching for the car to come around the corner and pull in the driveway.
It was a moment I will forever treasure.
I remember the day I brought Amber home from the hospital.
Now she has HER 'Little Amber' home!

It was a perfect day!

Amber took her right out of the car seat and held her!
I LOVE this picture!!!

 I changed her first diaper here at home.
Mike fed her the first bottle.

A Baby BELL is IN the house!!!

And we couldn't be happier!!
The other Bells will not be far behind!

Louis Dean and I sat out in the yard and enjoyed a glass of wine together and talked about the plans for the camper and the RV park where we will be staying and the highlights of our week.
Never mind the fact that we were in DIFFERENT yards!
He at home and me down here over 200 miles away!

So this morning I am packing the car back up and heading towards home.......
but I will be BACK just as soon as I can!!!


  1. I so love your blog, Aunt Linda. You do an amazing job documenting the events of your life. Thank you for sharing them and congrats again on the first grandbaby coming home! I'm goosebumps!

  2. It's wonderful news, the quads will all be home soon. God has a plan for these beautiful Bell babies!

  3. Congratulations on the first beautiful Bell arriving home. She and your daughter are beautiful! Lovely photo.

  4. lInda, How wonderful, having one of those sweet babies come home. Hopefully the rest will be home soon too. Be safe and I am sending good wishes to all of you. Smiles, Susie

  5. What a milestone! You must be over the moon! Good luck with the camper restoration - I bet it will be ready very soon and you two will be together AND with the babies.

  6. How Wonderful!!! I am so happy!!
    I agree that picture of Amber and Kailey is priceless, she looks so happy, and both are beautiful.
    Continued prayers that you and LD get everything in the RV ready to hit the road real soon!

  7. Oh we are tickled, delighted, so happy that a little Bell is home. I know how eager you are to get back. I can't imagine the logistics of having one child home and three others still in the hospital. Perhaps you could speak to that when and if you get a chance, busy lady. God is sooooo good.

  8. I was so excited when I read on facebook last night that Kailey was coming home. What a wonderful surprise. I love the picture of Amber holding her. So beautiful. You had better get LD to step it up with that camper. I announced it in church this morning that one of the quads was home and everyone began applauding!

  9. Sooo happy for you and your family. you have many, many blessings. Your daughter with her Amelia ... Beautiful.

  10. Oh Linda!
    The image of Amber and Kailey is beautiful!

    Your world is packed with blessings and love. How fortunate I am to have the privilege to read your story.
    So blessed to be your blog friend.

  11. How fantastic! Now your work on the camper will really fly!

  12. That is wonderful - one Bell at a time is good! Love, sandie

  13. I can't never pass by your post as there's always a baby going home and this cutie is such a gorgeous little one! I know what you mean asbout going home, I too have to go home and will kiss my two little girls too!! The babies are as pretty as mama and grandmama!!

  14. I love yalls blogs! That is the best picture of Amber with her beautiful baby girl!

  15. How fantastic!!! I'm checking in while on vacation in FL and just couldn't be happier for your good news. She is just beautiful! Congrats to having 1 home and 3 more to go. All in good time.

  16. Beautiful babies... Yes I think LD needs you... I just read his post!! LOL....You two are just the greatest!!

  17. Wow, this is all so exciting! Drive safe and hurry that man along now! lol

    Have a fantastic week and yipeeeeee!

  18. Awesome news on the little Bell arriving home. She is beautiful. Better hurry up and get that camper done Louis Dean, them babies are calling your name. Sherri

  19. You need a car with wings to fly you back and forth...great news that baby came home now for the other three.

  20. How wonderful that one of the babies is at home....

    And also wonderful, that you are going home for a while. Yes, your LD needs you too. :-) And, isn't that NICE?!?! Of course it is. :-)

    Have a safe trip.

    Gentle hugs,

  21. How welcome the firts baby home! Blessings to you all...on this journey.

  22. So completely exciting!! Love that picture of mom and baby, it's just precious!!

    Do you Skype?? It would be a wonderful way for you to see the babies!!!

  23. Oh my goodness...What a bundle of joys.....LOL You are so lucky. You must have been in heaven.....Priceless photos. Thanks for visiting Linda.
