Sunday, May 20, 2012

We CELEBRATED 28 Week Goal!

Yesterday Amber hit the 28 week mark and Boy, Oh, BOY, did we CELEBRATE!

Mike arrived Friday evening in anticipation of the gala event!
He is such a good guy!! Every time he walks through that hospital door he brings Amber some little - and sometimes BIG - special something!

Amber has not missed one single week of her Quad Pregnancy Pics since she started at 8 weeks. Still beautiful!

We are never one to miss a party!

Mike and LD brought up burgers, fries and onion rings from the cafeteria for lunch.

This is Amby......Amber's all time favorite nurse!
ALL of the nurses, staff, doctors -  all have been so kind and professional.
Amby is an amazing lady. Hardworking and always gentle and kind.

"Nurses are the heart of health care."
~Donna Wilk Cardillo

We enjoyed our visit and was happy Amby was on duty to celebrate with us!

I made a Dr Pepper cake and everyone who came in the room was offered a piece!

I left Amber and Mike to their afternoon and the celebration dinner......

This is one of their favorite Steak Houses and Mike arranged to pick up their meal so they could dine together in the elegance of a hospital room!
OK! I get carried away but each milestone week has been celebrated by a special meal.
24, 25, 26, 27, and now the all important 28!!

What's for 29? Peanut Butter and Jelly, anyone??
Just kidding! I don't think anyone has planned that far.
No more counting DOWN! It's all counting UP from here on out!

Yesterday went very well. You seldom get two good days in a row, though.
This is from her Facebook status update last evening.....

"Have had a great day followed by a rough evening. Really painful contractions every six minutes for awhile now. Doctor starting me on Indocin again, should help and will hopefully quiet things down and help me get some rest. Glad Mike is here tonight, its always something!"

Then this update about an hour ago......

"Contractions have increased to every five minutes, so doctor is upping my mag to 3g (my highest dose yet) coupled with Demerol. Wants me to get at least another week, let's hope all this works..."
While LD has been scouting out some area resources I have been doing my Susie Homemaker routine......laundry, cleaning, sewing, cooking. These routine activities seem to calm my mind and still my heart. I listened to Joel Osteen as I worked. I am reminded God has a plan and we are exactly where we need to be at this very moment in time. When I get all concerned and scared it's a comfort to know that I should simply 'do the next right thing. Do the next thing that needs to be done.' Keep on keeping on. That's what Mothers DO!
Hospitals are sobering places. Today is Amber's 50th day up there. As I come and go each day I am reminded what needy people we are. So much pain and sorrow. So many 'angels' among us serving the needs of so very many. The other day I went for a walk and looked up at another huge hospital - and then over at MD Anderson and I was overcome with a need to pray for those I will never meet or know. Ours is a happy story. Not all are. I pray for those I pass in the halls and offer them a smile and a silent prayer as I go by.
OK.....enough!!! I will close this post with a picture of my beautiful daughter. I am so happy she felt well enough to enjoy her special day of reaching 28 weeks.

Her doctor told her the statistics for all four babies going home with Amber and Mike IN THIS HOSPITAL and at 28 weeks are 92%!
Love that!!! SO much better than the 13% of all four surviving if born at 24 weeks!

You can read Amber's happy post: Quad Squad - 28 Weeks!

Thanks to all of you who have been such a source of strength, comfort and encouragement to all of us! Glad to have you with us on this journey!!


  1. What a wonderful and uplifting post! Amber still radiates beauty at a time of not feeling very well. So glad that she met her biggest milestone. You all are such great supporters for her to make the most of every day and every milestone. I LOVE Joel Osteen too. Isn't he just the best? He is definitely someone who can lift you up and remind you how you should live your life.

  2. The quad squad got a taste of your delicious cake and now want OUT so they can EAT more sooner. I sure hope they have settled down and decide that maybe... just maybe.... if Grandma is such a good cook, Mom will be too. Little do they know, she already is so they can just keep still and keep growing.Plenty of good food in their futures.

  3. 28 weeks - yah hoo! That is so great. Your poor baby's tummy! She is so precious. Let's go another week at a time. sandie

  4. As I told Amber, I am so so Happy for all of you!! Reaching 28 weeks is truely a huge milestone for Amber and her wonderful husband.
    Loved the pictures, Amber looks so happy:)
    Enjoy being a "homemaker" today and then relax with LD and a glass of deserve it!
    Continued prayers.

  5. You are such a sweet lady! I am so excited for you and your family and this milestone!

  6. Such good news on Amber. She is one lucky lady to have you, Mike, LD and the wonderful nurses to be with her. Before you know it she will be able to hold those adorable babies in her arms.

    Any chance of getting the recipe for that cake of yours? Sounds good!

  7. How wonderful for things to be right where their suppose to be! I know how grateful everyone feels. But let's pray this last a little longer!

  8. The only thing bigger than Amber's smile is that tummy! She is really a tiny, wee little thing. Look at her width just above her tummy...wee...her arms...wee! She may weigh less when the babies are born than she did before pregnancy.

    So glad for this happy achievement. It was hard fought and well won. Love hearing these great stats, too.

    One day at a time!

  9. Wow, what an amazing reason to celebrate! I love how Amber is so radiant through all of this. I love the count up, what an amazing way to view the arrival of these beautiful babies.

    Take care and have a wonderful week, yipeee! 28!!

  10. Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay!!!
    This makes my heart happy to read. Way to go Amber :)

  11. I am going out of the country for 10 days so will probably miss the big event but you can bet I will read all the posts when I get back....hoping all continues going well....

  12. Great odds! I love this good news post.

  13. Hi Linda - Just catching up on your posts - don't want to miss the big day! It's crazy here with everyone arriving for the wedding, but I'll be checking in daily. What a wonderful milestone!

  14. She is BEAUTIFUL....what more can I say!?!!!!

    [ps...our son lives in Houston, and he was gone for 3 weeks' vacation at the time Ike hit....he told me his home was okay, but the smell of rotting in the freezer hit him like a ton of bricks when he opened the door after coming home]

    Keep up the good work Amber. And a Dr. Pepper cake? Now that is all new to me.

  15. Told Amber the balloons were a nice touch.
    Hot dogs and hamburgers then brisket to celebrate 29. LOL
