Saturday, May 26, 2012

No 'News' is GOOD News!

All is quiet for the quad report today. I haven't been to the hospital but I have talked to Amber and Mike and they are having a quiet day. 29 weeks!! While she is still contracting - they are more sporadic today and that is good. All these contractions will eventually wear down her cervix but another day in the womb is equal to 3 LESS days in the NICU!

Louis Dean and I have spent the day here with the critters. It has been a HOT day in Texas! The dogs decided to chill out on the concrete and take a nap!

LD made up some sausage/biscuits (adding a fried egg to a couple of them!) for easy grab and go breakfast next week. He uses one pound of Jimmy Dean sausage HOT and 1 pound of the maple cured sausage. Then he mixes them together and comes out with the perfect combination.

I spent a good part of this afternoon working on the birthday quilt for my step son.
Glad I am in Amber and Mike's house because there is enough floor space to spread this HUGE quilt out!! If I were at home it would have been out on the driveway!
I hope to finish this so we can take it to him on our way home - after the quads arrive.

I think I have done enough work for today and LD and I have not played Dominoes in SO Long!! We picked this set up at Goodwill down here for $2.99.
There's a little metal brad in the center of each domino.
It's a nice set but I just read on the bottom of the box that Hornitos is a tequila!
That's okay! I'll just pour us a glass of wine.
Now......let me look at those rules again!


  1. This is so great... Hope you pop a bottle of bubbly soon!

  2. Always very glad to read your post and appreciate you keeping Amber and the Quads ever in our thoughts.

  3. Glad to hear it's been a good, quiet day all around.

  4. no news is great news. that ld is a keeper.

    now i must try to convince the hubs to play uno with me!!

  5. Yeah 29 weeks!! Glad to hear Amber is having a better day.
    Your LD is a rare gem, cooks,bakes cleans, does are one lucky lucky lady:)
    Continued prayers for Amber and the Quads.

  6. Oh such good "no news" you share!

  7. I'm glad to hear there is no news! And very happy no news!

    Glad you are keeping busy in this heat. It's 94 here and we are NOT used to it. But it is supposed to cool down as the week goes on. Hopefully!

    Have a great holiday weekend!


  8. This is awesome news, as you said no news is good news!

    The jean quilt you're making is fantastic, I made one for my son and it was also huge and are they ever warm!

    Enjoy your week!

  9. Been sooo hot here in West Texas, too. and WINDY. This morning seems less wind and I want to work in the yard.

    Ya'll hang on...babies will be here before much longer. Oh, what blog fodder that will be. :))

  10. Amber's not a quiter that's for sure. Those biscuits and sausage look yummy.
