Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ladies Lunch......

Yesterday was our first full day home this week. Since I haven't been to the grocery store yet - and I had invited a dear friend over for lunch - I thought the perfect menu would be tuna salad. I topped it with a sprig of rosemary for looks. I LOVE my big old rosemary bushes!!

We were out of sandwich bread so I used some pecan bread I had picked up at Collin Street Bakery. LOVE that stuff!
Dessert was Miss Debbie's cakes.......easy peasy!

I enjoy eating my meals sitting at a TABLE!!
Novel idea for Louis Dean who can look at me with those big brown eyes and say,
"It would be SO nice to just sit here in my easy chair!"
Most of the time he gets whatever he wants.
Is it just an 'old man' thing about calling a recliner and 'easy chair?'

I used to work with my friend, Brenda, at a local State Farm Agent's office.
Before THAT - we went to church together.
I enjoy catching up with friends over a glass of iced tea.

Tuesday's are one of my favorite days!
ART day!

In years past I gave art classes on Tuesday nights from 7-9 pm.
My friend, Debbie, and I painted together for many years.
Last night she came by to visit and we enjoyed spending a little time together over the art table.

I've been working on a seascape for MONTHS now....with HUGE breaks between sessions! I am two hours away from having it finished at long last!

Then I want to have Raynie's little portrait done in time for her birthday next month.
The canvas on the lower left has had two sessions of painting done.  I have at least two more sessions to go!
The one in the frame is just 'based in' and doesn't even look like the same child.....yet!
Summer made me a little Easter book from Snapfish last year and I picked my favorite pose to paint. Naturally I must paint TWO. One to give and one to keep.

Yesterday was a cool May day here in Texas. No A/C on for us. I am enjoying the routine of home and chores and the comforts of our gazebo.....the pleasure of listening to the birdsong through the open French doors......which now are sporting HUGE bolted on locks!

Today has been just as good as yesterday!
Finally getting around to some much needed paperwork....
laundry.....dinner know - simple routine things.
I am about to go out to the storage building and bring in all my red/white/blue patriotic things to decorate. I love home making!

It is nearly 4:00 as I write ........
I bet Louis Dean would love to stop for a glass of wine in the gazebo along about five o'clock! I know I would!


Amber is doing as well as can be expected today.
Each day is getting just a little harder.
She's almost THERE! Her main goal is 28 weeks and she is 26 weeks 4 days now. Her body will make the decision FOR her but she so hopes and prays for at least that 28 week milestone where ALL the babies have a pretty good chance of survival! While I am enjoying my time at home this week - I am anxious to get back down there. Needless to say, our bags are packed and ready to go at a moment's notice!


  1. Awwwww, it's so nice to see you having time to enjoy doing things in your home. And betcha' LD is lovin' every minute of it. :-)

    Oh and tell him, I understand 'easy chair' too!!! ,-)

    "The miracle of rising yeast is a spring in miniature."

  2. oh i really LOVE being home, doing the day to day things!! nothing special, the things that become special when your routine gets distrupted.

    my favorite lunch, i serve it this way all the time. often i make chicken salad and i always make deviled eggs to sit along side.

    thanks for the baby update!!

  3. Your table looks so inviting, do you set it that way for LD? If so he is a fool to want to sit in his recliner:)
    Very interested in the pattern of your china, very pretty.
    Continued prayers for Amber and the Quads.

  4. What a lovely luncheon table you set for your friend. (My darling prefers his easy chair, too.)

    Amber's very close to Week 27. Still praying.

  5. I love your pretty table. And the luncheon looks so delicious! I would come over for lunch any time.

    So glad you are having time in your own house to do the things you love. Your paintings are beautiful.

    Amber is almost there. She is a strong lady and I'm sure she will make it another 10 days or so. Still praying.

  6. Linda, I love your table setting for lunch. So cozy. nice to have friends in to visit. Smiles, Susie

  7. I'm like Louis Dean, I'd much rather eat in my recliner. I don't however call it an easy chair :)

    Glad you got to catch up with friends. I need to hunt some red, white and blue decor for my holiday tree. Thanks for the reminder.

    Glad Amber is doing well. It won't be long now. Continued prayers are with her and those babies.

    Sorry I haven't been commenting much lately. Life has just been so busy and commenting/reading has had to take a back seat. I miss you though :)

  8. That lunch you made sure does look good. So glad to hear that you're back home getting some things done. You never know when you might have to leave again! It's always good to get back to a normal routine. Glad to hear that you're finding time to do some fun things too.

  9. Thank you for your comment on my blog, your blog is very nice. I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers...such and exciting time in your lives! A friend in East Texas, Pam.

  10. I'm a home buddy too. Nothing better to do than baking, fixing things and of course, my fav, tablescaping for my blog friends and to visit with them, lovely ones like you! Your table is lovely and so inviting, wish I was there. Your china is so pretty too. Thank you for your wonderful visit Linda. Wishing you a great MOTHER'S DAY!

  11. Great post,I really like your article
