Friday, May 4, 2012

Hospital Photo Shoot!

Yesterday I explored a bit of the hospital and grounds while Amber was napping.
This section is part of the original building. I think it has a medieval look to it!

The wall sconces cast a golden glow over the halls. Feels like I have gone back in time when walking around down here.
There are no patient rooms in this building (called pavillion) anymore. They hold lectures and classes in the area now.

The water fountain is still in use.

I was strolling around in the late afternoon and as you can see......
there was NO ONE around!

This must have been the cashier's station -
bet hospital stays cost more now than they did then!

I always carry a book with me so I took advantage of the comfy seating area and read a few chapters before looking for a way OUT of the hospital and onto the grounds.

I walked all around the perimeter of the hospital and grounds.......
without my cell phone .......and made it BACK without getting lost!
I have no sense of direction so navigation is always a challenge!
I have been so thankful for God's grace in driving back and forth each day.
By now I pretty much know my way without looking at the hand written directions Amber gave me the day she left to come here. It takes about 45 minutes and that is leaving AFTER the morning traffic and returning AFTER the evening traffic.
And of course that is if I don't try to do something fancy! Yesterday I stopped at Sonic to pick up some food for her lunch and thought that instead of driving all the way back to her house and heading to the Interstate from there.......I could just go down THIS street and run into the one that leads me to the highway. It would have done exactly that had I turned RIGHT instead of LEFT!! And had I noticed my mistake sooner it wouldn't have taken the entire hour and a half before I arrived......and Amber's sandwich wouldn't have been COLD!

 But I digress......

I found beautiful flowers......

majestic old trees.........

and plenty of places to sit and read.
And so I did!

Yesterday Amber had quite a few contractions and felt a shift in her body's ability to handle this multiple pregnancy. She was concerned about it all day and felt she may need an increase in her magnesium IV. I repeatedly tell her to go with her 'gut instinct'.....which is actually the Holy Spirit leading and directing. It has never failed.
Sure enough, her doctor agreed and she has been receiving 2 mg. an hour. She has had a lot of nausea and muscle aches - which she fully expected. Over all she is handling it pretty well. She just needs to hang on for 15 more days at least!

Mike bought her a large calendar and I hung it on the wall facing her where she can see the days get marked off. We are getting closer to our by day.

Thanks again for all the prayers for Amber, Mike and the babies.
Everyone has been incredibly kind and gracious and we are so grateful!!

In six hours Amber will hit the 26 week milestone!!!
GO, Amber!!!!


  1. oh i know she can do it!! best wishes for amber, mike and the little ones!!

    that hopsital is sooo pretty, if you have to be in the hospital, this is the place to be!!

  2. What a beautiful hospital and the grounds look so inviting to sit down and relax. Amber is do so well. I know this is a huge ordeal to manage day to day. That goes for Mike and everyone really close in the day to day but as we can see Amber is the one doing it. She will stay strong because God has given her the strength to endure. She has a husband that is there through thick or thin and a Mother & step Father that will stay as long as needed. I know they are thankful.

  3. What a beautiful hospital! So great that you got to take those pictures. Amber will hang in for 15 days. It's so close now. She is a strong lady. So glad you are there with her.

  4. How good to know that the meds slowed down the contractions. Amber's willingness to do the very thing that she knows will be miserable for her shows how much love she has for those precious babes. One day they will know all these things.

    Wow. You really did go exploring. I have been down in the lower levels of a hospital before, but it has never looked like that! Very impressive.

    Your story about getting turned around...yikes! I am such a small town gal that those kinds of stories make me nervous on your behalf, but you're a big girl now and you'll get it righted around and the Lord will be right there with you.

  5. The hospital looks like a top notch hotel - beautiful!
    Poor Amber - how weary she must be, but so thankful the babies are still "cooking". And you have become quite the explorer in the big city, Friend!

  6. You take wonderful pictures!! The hospital and its grounds are just beautiful.
    You have raised one amazing young lady, you can be very very proud of her.
    Continued prayers for all of you.

  7. We continue to pray for 29 and holding!
    The hospital is lovely. I am pleased to see that they preserved the original architecture.
    What a lovely read and meander for you... and your followers as well!

  8. What a beautiful hospital. I hope she gets to see a little of that beauty. I can't imagine being in a room that long.

    Praying she and the babies stay strong.

  9. You are SO brave to drive in a strange city. Scares me silly. Prayers for Amber, Mike, the quads and all those who care for Amber and the quads. Love to you too.

  10. What fun to go on a little strolling tour, with you. Yes, the older part, is so different from today's, and quite lovely, because of this.

    Best of luck to your family...

    Gentle hugs...

  11. Enjoyed all the pictures...pretty hospital. Goooo Amber

  12. What a majestic olden hospital. Very beautiful.
    Hang on, Amber...what a fabulous job you are doing for your babies. I know everyone is so proud of you....even me, and I am a total stranger. :)
    Just hang in there....can't wait to "meet" your new little babies in at least 15 days.
    xo bj

  13. BEAUTIFUL Hospital! Oh my...and yes Amber is so close...she will do it!!!

  14. I am blessed to have my own mom supporting me through all this!! Love you!

  15. Fingers crossed, toes crossed that Amber will hang in for the remaining time. She is a trouper!

  16. Amber is very fortunate to have you along for this wonderful life event.

    Praying for you both - or rather for all of you!

  17. That is really a beautiful hospital! I love the huge old trees out back where you can sit and eat. Good thing you have nice surroundings since you're spending so much time there.

  18. Go Amber!!!
    She is doing so well. She should be so proud of herself. Sorry to hear that she is back on the mag. I know that it is so tough on her. Tell her to hang in there & she has lots of people thinking about her & praying for her.

    Looks like you had a good time just out seeing what you could discover. That is some beautiful architecture in that building!

    Take care of Amber Mrs. Linda & of yourself too :)

  19. LOL that's for the hospital tour. Not sure it helped when Pam and I went down Saturday.
    The fun part was when she pulled out of the parking lot.

    One day at a time. 28 week mark better hurry.

  20. May 8th...

    No posts.

    I'm worried...

    Gentle hugs...

  21. May 8th... Later...

    Thank you for the happy comment in my blog.

    I will stop worrying now. :-)

  22. What a gorgeous hospital interior. But how strange to British eyes to see a cashier's office in a hospital. Ours are payment-free zones with our 'socialist healthcare' as I believe it's called in the US ;)
