Friday, May 11, 2012


We have lots and lots of groceries!!!
While Louis Dean was stressing over his stress test yesterday I did what any wife would do while waiting......I shopped!

First stop - Big Lots!
I found LOTS of cool food at good prices!
You never know what you are going to come across in that store - but you better buy it when you see it!! No guarantee it will be there next time!

Along with the groceries I picked up this pretty mat for in front of our coffee making bar! Perfect!!

Next stop - SAM'S! Doesn't everyone shop Sam's? Or a Costco?

This is another place where you can find neat things. Or at least I think so. I don't get out much! And I usually DON'T shop!! Grocery shopping - while a favorite with Amber - is down at the bottom of the list of things I enjoy doing!

I spotted this Olive Garden Italian Dressing and grabbed up a big bag of croutons.
This will be make up a good salad for one of the hospital meals next week.
That's the purpose of the shopping.

Today Louis Dean cooked two fat chickens in the pressure cooker.
I am making a big batch of chicken and dressing and then a chicken rice casserole.
I do best with plain cooking.
Mashed potatoes and candied carrots. Salad. Simple things.

Tonight my daughter, Summer, is coming to spend the night.
We will have a nice dinner and catch up. She and I are spending the day together tomorrow and I am so looking forward to that!
It's been a cool week in Texas.
I have turned the attic fan on just for Summer.
She has always loved it. All my kids did!
No better sleeping than with the windows and doors open and the attic fan on!
The veggies are cooking and the chicken and dressing is ready to pop in the oven.

Now I best get in there and shower!

As for my Amber update for today.......
in 5 1/2 hours she will be 27 weeks!!
Won't be long before we have QUADRUPLETS born.
Just 7 more days and she will reach her goal of 28 weeks.
We are all so excited!


  1. I don't really enjoy grocery shopping either. Looks like you're well stocked! I didn't know Olive Garden sold their dressing. Hmmmm....I'm gonna have to try that! That meal you're making sounds delish. Hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day weekend. I can't believe how soon it will be for your 4 new grandbabies to come into the world!

  2. i bought that bears creek chicken pouch, we really liked it for a quick meal. next time i would add shredded chicken and maybe some veggies. with a salad and a loaf of crusty bread it would be a great dinner. i thought it had great flavor.

    i picked mine up in christmas tree shop for under $ 2.00, i think you will like it!!

    thanks for the update on amber, i think of you guys often!!

  3. Mom loves Big lots too....I don't like to grocery shop either...but you have to your time with happy for Amber and the quads...

  4. Yay! One more week and then day by day.

    Gosh, what a nice lot of groceries you gathered in. I need a personal shopper as I loathe grocery shopping these days. The prices are evil.

    Have great fun with Summer. I don't know quite what it means to have the attic fan on, but sounds interesting.

  5. Linda - Congratulations on the quads almost being here!

    but did you HAVE to write on food, just when I am griping about belly fat? :)

  6. Linda, only you could make food shopping sound like such fun. I just know that if I took you with me I'd have a great time!
    The news about Amber is so good - praying that the quads will wait the necessary time....

  7. Me too! I don't like grocery shopping! Actually, I don't like any shopping. :-)

    Didn't get the *shopping gene,* I guess. ,-)))))

    "Hens are cackling, flies humming, the women talking together at their doors:
    plum and peach trees are in blossom - apple trees greenish -
    the opposite woods green...
    We have heard ravens."

    ~Dorothy Wordsworth

  8. Hope you are enjoying your visit with your daughter Summer. I love to grocery shop at different stores always looking for something different, if I shopped just one I would hate it, love variety:)
    Congratulations to marks her 27th week!!
    Continued prayers

  9. Unlike most of the people who commented, I do like to food shop. I am a real foodie and love looking for new things to try. It usually takes me 2 hours to shop because I look at everything! You are a smart lady to prepare meals ahead of time. Your new grandbabies will be here before you know it!

  10. Looks like some great goodies!
    I just can't wait to see the quads! Hope all is going well!

  11. I'm totally with you on not really liking to shop. It's just not something I consider fun. Looks like you scored some good deals though.

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day Dear.

  12. These shops are unfamiliar to me - looks like they have a great selection.
    Counting the days off from a distance and thinking of you all.

  13. Have a wonderful Mother's Day, dear one.
    xoxo bj

  14. Happy Mother's Day Linda. So happy for Amber. What a pretty name Summer. Yuck, I hate grocery shopping like nothing else. Smiles, Susie

  15. Love to eat but hate to shop.
