Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The First Official 'Unofficial' Prediction!

Today marks 29 weeks 4 days 18 hours.

While this has been such a tough ordeal for Amber - the nurses have been such a blessing to her!

Yesterday one of her favorite nurses - and she has several - finished her 48 hour shift and officially started her dropping by Amber's room for a visit!
Lisa is such a breath of fresh air and always has a smile and words of encouragement!
She also made the very first official UNOFFICIAL prediction as to when this Quad Squad will make its appearance!

SHE predicts 6/4/2012
June - because Amber wanted 'Summer' babies.
Four - for QUADS!
All even numbers.
Sounds good to me.
She even predicted the birth weights:
Harrison - the BIG 'Little Man' - 3 lb 3 oz
Trystan - the Gatekeeper - 3 lb 0 oz
Kailey - 2 lb 8 oz
Logan 2 lb 14 oz.

Amber's birthday is next Wednesday.
Amber's GRANDMA has a June 6th birthday.

That's my girl! She is such a trouper.

Today has been a 'berry bad day' as she used to say.
The mag IV or the preclampsia - who knows which! - has given her such a bad case of double vision she can't even see people's faces. The doctor lowered the mag IV down a notch so hopefully this will help.
The sonogram this morning showed all four babies still doing great.

I brought Louis Dean up here with me today and we have both been at loose ends.

Bless his heart! We went for a walk and it did him in!

I just found a bench and chilled out.

Speaking of Louis Dean - he left the room when the nurse came in to give Amber her progesterone injection......that was 2 hours ago...... and I haven't seen him since!

I better go look for him.......


  1. This is like a reality show that I can't miss, Linda!!!

    Many blessing to all!


  2. Can you just imagine how little Amber is going to feel after she delivers those babies? I bet she can't wait to see her toes again! Ha! 6/4 is my husband's birthday too, btw. I think that WOULD be a good date for the babies. My husband came a month early too.

  3. Hop you find LD lol Amber looks great what a trouper she is

  4. i keep thinking how wonderful it is, that you write every day!!

    that your words and thoughts are memoralized forever!!

    i hope you found ld, i think he is hiding ;)))

  5. Oh my goodness - those babies better be good to her when they are teenagers. lol love, sandie

  6. I found Amber's blog and have been reading it since she found out about the quads but I stalk your blog daily for an update! I'm checking all the time because these babies are going to be here soon!

  7. Now see, how can I be cranky when I see all that Amber is dealing with?! That's it. I'm getting my attitude adjusted stat.

    June 4 sounds good, but then tomorrow sounds good, too. Berry Bad Days are no fun.

    Whatever the day, we continue to pray God's blessings and mercies. He has been faithful. We trust Him to continue His great faithfulness all the way.

    You two take care of yourselves now, you hear?!

  8. And you may add Dan and my anniversary to that June 6th date! I am rooting for June 6th!!! You guys are all doing great through it all!

  9. I hope the babies are born on June 1st, not on Amber's birthday. She needs to have a day for her own birthday as she will always plan & prep for the children. She will NEED a day just for her. LOL. I know each of you must be exhausted. It's time for some babies, isn't it?!

  10. Linda, thank you so much for your updates. I think of you so often and love to tell people about "my friend, Linda's quads and how determined Amber is to have these babies". Look forward to seeing and meeting all these little ones sometime when she brings them to Irving. God's blessing on all of you. Your friend, Virginia FCC member.

  11. Almost 30 weeks! Your daughter is a trooper! :)

  12. I think you had too much fun at the pool the other you are out of sorts:)). Hope you found June 4th...could be the day...yahhhh

  13. I think you had too much fun at the pool the other you are out of sorts:)). Hope you found June 4th...could be the day...yahhhh

  14. Wow I cant believe she is nearing 30 weeks! She looks great,even when she is having a berry bad day.
    Hope you found LD;)
    Quick question,IF the little ones come into the world during the night do you have plans made to get to the hospital in time..I am thinking "Father of the Bride" part 2 where Steve Martin is putting on his wife's blouse in a hurried exit to take thier daughter to the hospital:)
    Continued prayers for Amber and the little ones.

  15. Tis is so great. Hang in there Amber and mum! Kia kaha

  16. To be honest, I'll be so glad when your announce here, that they have been born. And thus your Dear Amber is no longer a mother-to-be-of-four, with all that has entailed. But a MOTHER of healthy quads.

    Gentle hugs...

    "To read a writer
    is for me
    not merely to get an idea of what he says,
    but to go off with him
    and travel in his company."

    ~~Andre Gide

  17. Well I think the June 4th date didn't come fast enough. LOL Those Bell babies were a little inpatient!
