Tuesday, May 1, 2012

25 Weeks and 3 Days....and counting!

I am back in Houston spending some time at the hospital with Amber.
This is the board in her room today.

Her morning began with the usual hospital routine.....PLUS a pedicure!
This was courtesy of her older sister, Summer!
SO thoughtful and - since Amber sees her feet all day long - totally PERFECT!

Amber wasn't the only one getting some pampering!
Louis Dean combed and combed Snowball and she was as content as she could be!
Snowball has been depressed. She seldom leaves Amber's office and is pining away.
Louis Dean gives her a lot of attention and she is soaking it up!

She is SO spoiled! LD asked me to bring her food to him so she could eat while still in his lap!

I left all the 'critters' at home and headed to the hospital. I know the way well by now!

A friend had sent up these photo op outfits for the quads.

They arrived with this clever card featuring the names of the whole Bell Squad including Mom and Dad!

People have been kind enough to send up things to pass the time along.
Things for the VISITORS like ME to do!
Amber stays pretty busy with monitoring, blood sugar checks, trips to the bathroom (which physically wears her out!), meals, heart monitoring....and on and on.
Napping is nearly unheard of around here with so much activity going on!

Last week she had a 4D scan and scored some pretty good pictures.

This is Harrison......the b.o.y.

Here is Kailey. She is a photo princess. They always seem to be able to get pics of her!

Kailey again! It's getting kind of crowded in there!!!
These babies are already developing such distinctive personalities!
I can't wait to meet them!!

Amber's Aunt Deanie has already sent them their first game......
and I am certain Amber will share with her kids what a 'Pickle' SHE was in being pregnant with all FOUR of them at once!!

25 weeks and 3 days. It's not easy for Amber but she is doing whatever it takes!


  1. Oh my gracious, those ultra sound pics. Aren't they amazing?!?

    A pedicure from her Sister... Very, very sweet.

    Yes, this will certainly stack-up as the most intense time, in Amber's life. Most intense! She deserves a lot of credit for all which goes into this pregnancy.

    "Among the changing months,
    May stands confest
    The sweetest,
    and in fairest colors dressed"

    ~James Thomson

  2. Wow...now those pictures are great!!

  3. These pictures are amazing! It looks a wee bit crowded in there. Amber looks good though and I love her pedicure. Soon, she may not be able to see her feet!

    Keep hanging in there, Linda!


  4. She's doing so good Linda! You raised one tough girlie :)
    LOVE those Quad ultrasound pics. They turned out so well. I'm sure all of you are getting anxious. Very glad to hear Amber get a pedicure. I know she enjoyed that! Hang in there, all of you!!!
    Still sending my love & prayers

  5. Thanks for the update. So glad Amber is doing well. And I know she must have enjoyed the pedicure. Everyone at Bible study this morning was asking about her and praying for her. They are very excited about the Quad Squad.

  6. She's already making sacrifices for her babies! I beleive motherhood starts when you get pregnant. So glad that everything is still on target. Those are amazing 4-D pics!

  7. Sending the very best wishes to all of you, and especially Amber, who is BRAVE!

  8. How sweet of Amber's sister to think of a pedicure. I am sure that had to cheer Amber up.
    LD and Snowball look like they have been Best Friends for a long time:)
    Give her a hug from all us "Grandmas" out here who are praying for her and those little ones.

  9. 4D pictures are truly amazing! How wonderful to see them so realistically. She's doing great~

  10. Awesome news and great photos...she looks great

  11. amazing ultra sound pictures, we sure have come a long way.

    it must have felt great to get a pedicure!!

    she looks good!!

  12. Wow, I'm so glad to hear that Amber and babies are doing well... my heart goes out to Amber, hospitals are no place to get rest by no means, but she's doing so fantastic! And good for her to get a pedicure, that's an extremely thoughtful gift!

    It's so nice to see everyone coming together, donating and thinking of everyone and everything they possibly can do they seem to be doing... it true, it really does take a community to raise a child, in this case a community to ensure all is as well as can be for Mom and babies. Hats off to all of those who are contributing in any which way they can.

    Amber you look stunning!

  13. Awww, what great pictures from Snowball and Louis Dean to Amber and her babes. What a cute set of tees along with the heart graphic. Very clever. Amber is a trouper...still wearing a big smile!

  14. I always look forward to the news...my gosh her belly looks like it hurts.

  15. Amber is a strong beautiful girl. Her children will one day know what all she did for them. Bless her heart. you take care of yourself too Linda. That cat will never be the same:):)Smiles, Susie

  16. Wow! And still many weeks and days to go...we pray. Thanks for keeping us posted...on this journey you are all on.

  17. I can not believe how detailed those photos are .amazing - I can't imagine how excited you must be! Keep us posted!!!
    Have a pretty day Linda!

  18. Amazing pictures...big difference in our Grandson's photos taken several years ago when you could barely make out anything! Digital has changed everything. Sending up a prayer right now!

  19. Poor Snowball won't know what hit her when the four little Bells hit the floor. No more peace and quiet. LOL. Glad you're there for Amber.

  20. Amber is doing a remarkable job of helping her babies grow, Linda.She looks wonderful. I'm keeping you all in my prayers!
