Tuesday, April 24, 2012

They Can't Steal My JOY!

They can steal my STUFF......but not my JOY! And that's all I'm going to say about THAT!

Today -  in the True Tuesday Tradition - I went to the movies and did art! First time to open up the turpentine in a long time!

I started the day with an unpleasant task and after I got that over with - the day was as good as I had hoped it would be.

Brenda - whom I have known for YEARS - and then worked with for a couple of years - treated me to lunch at our favorite BBQ place. We generally keep up with each other by having lunch every month to six weeks. We were WAY behind!

After lunch I met up with another buddy ( the mother of a blogging friend right here in town!) and we took in a movie. I needed some light hearted fare so we opted for the Alvin and the Chipmunks 'Chipwrecked!'

Next on my to do list - the grocery store. I can't tell you the last time I shopped for groceries. Other than a Sam's run or a quick trip to Braums's for dairy, we have been eating what we have. Or what LD has picked up. I had some special things I was wanting to get today. Tomorrow I am taking lunch to my friend who has new triplets! AND I get to hold them and feed them and LOOK at them!! I can't tell you how excited I am about meeting them in PERSON!

While I was shopping I received a call from Amber so I wheeled my cart over and parked it so we could talk! She had an anatomy scan this afternoon and it was a GOOD one! I don't have pics yet but she said the babies are adorable and Harrison looks like Mike!! Harrison and Kailey switched places recently so now he is sandwiched between two sisters with a third across from him - in the place he WAS occupying! The babies have all grown and were looking good. Amber was happy. I aim to be there for the NEXT scan which will be in 3 weeks. That will make her going on her 28th week! All babies have gained weight - each roughly 1 1/2 pounds with Harrison being the heaviest! My heart was singing as I hung up!

To quote Amber from her Facebook post:

"Another successful scan for the quad squad!! Harrison used to occupy my left side to himself, with the three girls stacked horizontally on my right. But he & Kailey have switched so now he's sandwiched by the girls! Bet he's rethinking that move. At 24w3d, Trystan is 1lb9oz, Kailey is 1lb8oz, Harrison is 1lb12oz & Logan is 1lb6oz. Both myself & the babies are doing great!"

When I got home LD helped me unload the trunk then he went back to his projects so I put the groceries away and started on MY projects!
I promised a painting to an A&M graduate LONG ago!
The painting is from a photo he took out in California.
I did make some progress on it today!

Then I went to work on a NEW painting.
This is my youngest grand daughter and I am using an Easter photograph to go by.
I was pretty proud of myself for getting it all based in. It took me 45 minutes!
Still much to do on it.....shadows and high lights and details.
I was just so happy to be painting again!!

I keep 'works in progress' on my easel so I can study them between painting sessions.

The 'art table' has been restored to a dining room.

Louis Dean has finished for the day and now so have I.
Except for that chicken salad. I am having a string of good days!
It helps to hear Amber's sweet voice and she sounding so happy!
It also helps to remember I must needs CULTIVATE joy in my life.
I'm not sure joy simply happens - at least to me. I have to watch and treasure all that brings joy. And I have had a truck load of it lately!!
If I forget - I tend to get bogged down in life and lose my zest.

I continue to thank you for the prayers on behalf of Amber and her babies.
Just as I prepared to close this post I read on Facebook that she is having quite a few contractions.
"Thanks everyone. Things change so quickly....I've been having a lot of contractions this evening so hoping they can put a stop to them soon."

I admit to sometimes being as scared as I am excited!
Thanks for hanging in there with me!!


  1. wow what a busy day...Mom really enjoyed the movie...she stopped by for a visit after the movie...such good news on Amber and the quads...

  2. wow what a busy day...Mom really enjoyed the movie...she stopped by for a visit after the movie...such good news on Amber and the quads...

  3. You are as busy as a bee! Glad you are home and doing what you love. Praying the contractions subside for Amber.

  4. so happy to have a minute to catch up with you tonight. you have so much going on and i really enjoyed this entry. i so get the scared and excited thing, i hope excited stays at the fore front!!

  5. Linda,
    So glad for you and Amber and this good report.

    Blessings to you all - Marsha

  6. What a great day you had. Shopping, a movie, painting and a talk with Amber. So glad for you and your joy! I would be joyful too. Am continuing to pray for Amber. Hope her contractions stop.

  7. You have the most things going on I have ever seen! But the best news of all is Amber and the babies - so glad. sandie

  8. Great news about Amber and the babies.

  9. "cultivate joy" - I totally understand that and I love it.

    Your paintings are beautiful!!
    Glad you had a great day with lots of fun packed into it!!

  10. Linda!
    I bet picking up the brush again felt good and therapeutic!
    What grand news you share!
    The babies are all over 1.5 lbs! Yahoo!
    I just said four Hail Mary's and four Hallelujahs!
    (Now stop rockin' the house little "quadlets",it's lullaby time!)
    Nightie night! I'll keep praying for 29 and holding!

  11. That painting is wonderful Linda. You are so talented!

    Glad the anatomy scan went well. Please let us know how Amber is doing as soon as possible. Praying they get the contractions stopped quickly.

  12. What a lovely post, Linda. Your satisfaction with being at home comes through in every line. I pray that Amber's contractions slow down and that she is having a good night.

  13. New reader, I'm going to have to back track to catch up! Love your painting, what a great talent you have to be able to paint what you see! I'll be back...

  14. Love your artwork!!!! I've been tempted to do a seascape in watercolor, but have yet to get inspired. I like painting birds [as you can see if you click on my easel on my sidebar] and pencil sketches. I am truly in awe of your unfinished work and hope you'll share it when it's completed and framed.

    All your luncheons and movie going sounds like a lot of fun. And BBQ...mmmmm!!!

  15. You scared me with your first line. I kept reading through this post, thinking you had had another house break-in.

    NO! Wheeewwwwwww...

    Best of luck to all of you... And wishes for peace. Which is hard, when one is nervous about family.

    Gentle hugs...

  16. Linda, Good news about Amber and the babies. You are very talented. Enjoy your day, Smiles, Susie

  17. Linda, I'm happy you had such a great day. Amber's good news is an answer to so many prayers being prayed! I can't believe it only took 45 minutes for you to to get as far as you did on Rayne's painting! Great job! I know Summer & Sabrina will be thrilled with it.

  18. Great painting!! What talent you have... sounds like a wonderful Tuesday....

  19. When you mentioned turpentine, I thought you were painting another room! So glad to see you back at it...both pieces are gorgeous so far!

    I LIVE at the grocery store...how do you do it? I guess I like to shop, for anything and everything!

    So happy Amber and the babies are doing well. I didn't know they had named them, that's so sweet!


  20. I meant to ask... How in the heck did they break end? And the 2 guitars and the silver box was all they took? Thank Goodness.
    Glad you're home and relaxing a while before you next trip to Quad land. ;o)
    I'm so happy for Amber and Mike that she continues to incubate those little Bells.
