Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thank You!

I would like to thank all of you for the prayers on behalf of Amber. Those encouraging comments really do lift our hearts!

Louis Dean and I have spent the day here at the hospital with her......
and it has been a scary day!

After discontinuing the Magnesium Sulfate IV we needed another game plan.
She and Mike and the doctor kind of 'brainstormed' together this morning and came up with one.

Procardia (blood pressure med to relax the uterus and calm contractions) was resumed but it wasn't enough. She started having 9-10 pretty good contractions an they added Indocin - which is actually a drug used to treat arthritis - but they found it effective in  treating cases of multiple birth pre term labor. This seems to be doing the trick......the contraction monitor has showed a calmer pattern. At least for now. Just buying precious time. We need at least 10 more days! Amber is 23 weeks today!

Plan A is now a distant memory! We are adapting.
As I write now - LD and I are planning on going home in the morning.
I shall return very SOON, I'm sure!!


  1. My fingers and toes are crossed for you all. Stay strong - or kia kaha as they say here in New Zealand

  2. Safe travel home, continued prayers for Amber and those little ones.
    Looking forward to more posts when you are able.

  3. I will most definitely keep Amber, the babies and all of you in my prayers. May God bless and be with each of you.

  4. Praying for those extra days. Safe journey home.

  5. Many prayers being sent Amber's way.


  6. Praying for at LEAST ten more days - make those babies bigger and bigger! Love, sandie

  7. Yes, adding our prayers, too. Much love...

  8. Grow babies grow! I've been to Amber's blog today! Bless all of you!
    Hang in for 14 if you can little babes!
    Many prayers!

  9. Prayers are going your DD's way, inmediately!! Keep cool and composed sweet mother. God bless.

  10. Prayers for Amber, prayers for the babies!
    What a good feeling Amber must get when she sees you and LD and your smiling faces.

  11. It was so good to see Amber post today. You sure did raise one tough cookie! Glad to hear the meds are keeping things under control for now. You & LD have a safe journey home. Still sending lots of prayers up for Amber & those babies. Keep us posted!
    Oh and btw. LOVE the pic of you and LD. You two are so adorable together!

  12. Linda, My granddaughter, Emma ,is coming for the weekend. I'll get her to pray with me for Amber. I think God loves to hear young ones pray. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)

  13. Praying for Amber and those precious little ones. Also for you and LD. Have a safe trip home. Let us know what's going on as you can. Lots of love sent your way.

  14. Every single day is a precious gift.
    What a wonderful hands on Doctor she has. Thanks be to God and all of his Angels and Saints!!! Once you get home you might just take a deep breath and have a good cry. This will clear the air for the next round! I love you.

  15. Hello Linda,
    Sending prayers to Amber & the babies.. Let's hope they have plenty of time to grow and be safe.
    I am your newest follower. Take care of yourself. Linda

  16. I will pray for ALL of you tonight.

  17. I thank you all for the comforting words.

  18. what a cute couple you are!!

    fingers crossed, i have a good feeling!! (i always say that, i may have said it before here but i really do have a good feeling!!)


  19. Pam was home this weekend and we were talking about that Mag stuff. She said usually kicked most womens butt. Amber is one strong young lady as if we didn't already know that.
