Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sweet Saturday and Sunday!

Louis Dean and I have had a SWEET weekend! Every report from Mike and Amber has been good.

Friday we arrived home in time to unpack, unload and put up! Back to normal!
Saturday I mowed the yard and pulled some weeds. Some weeds are just uglier than others! There had been a lot of rain while we were gone so everything is simply

I LOVE - DEARLY love! - those flowers that come back every year!
I planted this one last spring and it struggled and struggled through that hot HOT summer! What a surprise to find it alive and well again!

The Mexican Heather is another one of my favorites.

And my MUMS!!!!

They are getting ready to bust out all over!

From the moment we returned - Maggie has NOT let us out of her sight!!!
She did not hesitate one tiny instant before following us out to the gazebo.

She is one happy contented cat - NOW!!!

Yesterday found us doing some projects that have been put off for far too long!
LD was in the attic putting back into place a huge vent there at the gable of the house.

LD had to take down and re mortar this top section of brick.
He did this MONTHS ago!
Not ones to rush anything, but I thought it would be a good idea to NOT have a gaping hole in the top of our house!
I think he said he can finish this Monday!

We stopped working and cleaned up in time to meet Summer, Sabrina and Rayne at Fellowship Church Saturday night!
Great service it was, too!!
"One More Night With Them Frogs!"

Since we haven't seen each other lately we decided to have dinner together.
(Forgot the name of this restaurant but it was GOOD!)

Bright colors! Favorites with children!!

Yum! Yum!! GOOD!!!

We all enjoyed our evening and when I got home I told LD. "I am ready for bed!"
I must have been serious because here it is at 7:00 pm on Sunday night and I STILL have my nightgown on! I slept from 10:00 pm to 8:30 am - had a cup of coffee - and went BACK to bed where I have stayed for the majority of the day!
I think I was t.i.r.e.d.

I am just now moving around and doing a few things around the house.
I had planned on going back to Houston first thing in the morning......
but I am happy to report to you that all seems to be well with Amber and her quad lets!
She stays horizontal much of the time and is continuing on the Procardia. There is always the possibility of starting the Magnesium Sulphate again if the contractions pick up. They have had a nice weekend from what I am able to tell from here.

I may well be home this week supervising LD in The Great Camper Repair!
He is ready to sit down and tell me all about his plans.....

My bag is ready if I need to get down to Amber in a hurry......if not I am going to catch up on some 'Home' time.......and preparing our camper for being our HOME away from Home!

Looking forward to a blessed week and praying for YOU to have one, TOO!!


  1. Glad you got to rest - you need to start storing up energy for when those babies arrive!

  2. The palants are beautiful. Are you related to my friend Nita " You look so much alike. tks for sharing . Tink

  3. Girl you do have a FULL plate going on. Good luck to getting it all done. sandie

  4. Girl you do have a FULL plate going on. Good luck to getting it all done. sandie

  5. I will be praying that it is a very good week for Amber and Mike and the quads so that you can get some much needed rest. You'll be on duty soon enough!

  6. Glad you took time for some needed rest....your flowers look awesome

  7. There's no place like home is there? Your Maggie is like my Jenny. Cats really miss us when we are gone. Looks as if you had a good time with your daughter and her little one. Rayne is getting so big!

    Glad you had a day to rest. That's all I did today too. And glad to hear the news about Amber. Hopefully everything will go good for another week and you can spend some time at home.

  8. Oh yay, glad things are going good for Amber & Mike. I was wondering about them last night. I'm also very glad to hear you got some rest. You were bound to have needed it friend. Keep us posted! Here is to hoping you get some home time this week & Amber has an awesome week ahead :)

  9. You needed that good sleep you got. Your body was saying, "Whoa Girl! I need some TLC". Pleased to read that things are going well for Amber and babies. Answered prayer! Glad you'll get some "home time" to recharge your battery!

  10. You always make me smile!
    You deserve your early pajama jam!

  11. there's no place like home!!

    rest and have an awesome week!!

  12. So love reading your blog and catching up. It's great that Amber and the little Bells are working together well. LOL We want those little Bells ringing in loud when they are healthy enough. Glad you get a few more days to rest.
    I'm sure Maggie is going to find a way to hide in a bag when you leave next time.
