Sunday, April 22, 2012


Louis Dean and I have had the BEST weekend! After church we camped out on the corner of our driveway and enjoyed the perfect April evening!!
Louis Dean serenaded me with his little Classical guitar and sang all of 'our' songs.
I know when he is singing the last one because it is always 'Have I Told You Lately That I Love You.' He's been singing that to me since our second date!

Today has been busy and productive - but not frenzied!
LD was busy working on the lawn house - making a new door and closing up some openings. It was a perfect time for me to clean it up and get it all organized since we were recently 'cleaned OUT' and there is now a lot of room in there!

This used to be Amber's Playhouse and the top part was Benjamin's Fort.
There are still bits and pieces in there left over from their childhoods and I hope I never take them out! These brown paper dolls were a long ago Valentine project made when they were young.

Since this was originally built for the kids to play in we put carpet down.
Wish I had this in my house! Even though we store lawn equipment in here and it was all really dirty - this carpet cleaned up nicely with just a good sweep of the broom!
Bought as a remnant - it was the signature carpet in the Neiman Marcus stores back in the early 80's. True quality!

Talk about MEMORIES!! Amber was a synchronized swimmer for 11 years and part of her collection of PTX (Pirouettes of Texas) bears still sit on her playhouse shelf!

I cannot bring myself to move them so they will remain there keeping watch over the 'playhouse.' I have a ton of lights ready when I need them. I use strings of lights in the house and gardens year round. I also have a big canning kettle which brought back fond memories of past years trips to Farmer's Market. I used to can preserves and green beans, pickles and beets. Not so much anymore.
But I am keeping my kettle and jars.......just in case!

Look how good that carpet looks!

Lots of room to play now!

Louis Dean is working away!
This afternoon I went in to make us a late lunch.

A big tray of veggies to roast with some garlic and rosemary.
It smelled delicious! I pruned back the rosemary - which was invading the rose bush spaces! - and made fragrant bouquets for the house.
I had started the dishwasher before bed last night. LD always makes the coffee so I assumed he just pulled them out and went on his way.
So as I got the food all in the oven I went to unload the clean dishes and -
LO and BEHOLD! It was EMPTY!!
I marched out to the backyard and asked in a loud voice,
"Where is my husband and WHAT have you done to him??"
He has NEVER emptied the dishwasher before!
I was so impressed!

This weekend was a good one for Amber as well.
Mike wheeled her out to the courtyard for a bit of fresh air!
Of course she went complete with wheelchair and IV pole!
Note the Hollywood sunglasses? Her super cool hubby remembered to bring them when he came to visit. He also brought in steaks from Texas Roadhouse - one of their favorite places. I tell you what! These two make a real TEAM!

To quote Amber......

"Now that I've reached the first point of viability, the babies' heart rates get monitored more extensively. That means finding four wiggly heartbeats and strapping on four monitors for at least 30 min. And the quads don't like it so they keep moving & trying to kick them off. FUN!!!"

I guess it's the mom in me but I love SEEING pics showing how Amber is doing when I am not there to see for myself! I love the three pink bands and one blue one!
That BOY is going to be spoiled rotten!!

That's it for our weekend! I am heading back out to check up on Louis Dean.
Can't leave him alone for too long at a time.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, your roasted veggies look sooo yummy,great job cleaning up the lawn/play house, I still have alot of my Dkids special things, but having had 5 I couldnt keep everything:(
    Amber looks like she is loving every bit of her time outside.
    Have a nice evening:)

  2. So glad Amber got a chance to get outside. She looks so cute sitting there. We prayed for her again today in church. I have to give them weekly updates.

    Those veggies look so good! Wish we loved closer. I would be over there sharing them with you.

  3. I think LD missed you badly while you were away. You deserve some special pampering and he's making sure that you get it. . .and BTW, Amber looks great!!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend!

  5. That carpet is really something!
    You and Louis Dean know what's important - and that's one of the reasons I like to come to read your posts.

  6. Sounds like a productive weekend. My husband started to help more around the house when the kids went to college. I don't know if it was because of his empty nest syndrome or mine. ; )
    How sweet is LD's evening serenade!
    I am headed over to visit Amber.
    Take care!

  7. My goodness you did have a productive weekend...How of L.D. to surprise you with an empty dishwasher. I think it was so very thoughtful of Mike to Roadhouse take out, I just know Amber appreciates her husband so very much.They are quite the team!

  8. LInda, So happy you had a great weekend. thankful the babies and Amber are fine. Your LD is a romantic, sounds like. Count your blessings today. Smiles, Susie

  9. Lovely weekend, all round!!!

    And now for a lovely week too!!! :-)

    It’s one thing to be an individual;
    but it’s another thing to be an individual
    at the cost of the people around you.

    ~Jack Grisham

  10. So glad to hear that Amber and the quads are doing well. I'm sure that fresh air felt good to her. You all are working so well together to bring these babies in the world healthy and happy. It is always fun to read your posts to get an update. It's nice that LD has been so supportive of you and Amber too. It is so important that someone helps you out through this too.

  11. Glad you all were able to enjoy a nice quiet weekend! Big brownie points for LD unloading the dishwasher. It's nice when they do little things like that :)

    Happy to hear Amber is doing well. I was out of town for the weekend so I'm just now getting caught back up on blogging. Sounds like her weekend went well though & Texas Roadhouse steaks bound to make her better!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week Linda :)

  12. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Thanks for joining us for Tea!

  13. It sounds like a good weekend all your corner. I can almost smell those roasting veggies! And what a good idea to make herb bouquets to spice up the home. (I'm taking notes.)

    Glad to hear all is well with Amber.

  14. Your husband is wonderful and I know you are! And your daughter -glad she got to get outside - but four heart monitors - phew. sandie

  15. i enjoyed seeing amber almost as much as i enjoyed seeing the vegtables!!

    ld is so cute ;)))

  16. I love seeing the pictures of Amber's journey thru pregnancy too.
    That is too sweet how LD sings to you.
    Obviously he missed you and knows how much you do with the travel and keeping Amber in line and loved. ;o)
