Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Have Bag! Will Travel!


My bag was packed and I paused to pose in the 'picture spot' before heading to the hospital in downtown Houston this morning.

I stood in the same spot Amber has been snapping her week by week progress with this Quad Squad Pregnancy!
Wish Louis Dean had got a picture of me taking THIS one of Amber!
I was lying on my back ON the porch looking UP as Amber was looking DOWN!

I had been given very good written directions - by Amber.
We speak the same language so I drove straight to the hospital - DOWNTOWN HOUSTON, mind you! - with nary a wrong turn!

I arrived to find a cheery brave face in the bed!
She was doggedly doing some editorial work in spite of feeling the effects of the magnesium sulphate IV pumping into her body.
She brought some of the comforts of home - since we hope and pray she will be there for many weeks as she 'grows the babies!'
Her cool pillowcases make me smile - as does her super comfy comforter!
I bought the comforter for her when she was 12 years old at Tuesday Morning. It was her first 'grown up' bedding. It is in as good shape now as it was then. Some things are just made well and stand the test of time. She used this through her teens and college life and then on into marriage and now is with her as she approaches motherhood!

Her fluid intake was restricted to 8 oz. of water every hour.
Since day one of this pregnancy she has been guzzling water like crazy!
At least 3 GALLONS a day!
For whatever reason her body has demanded WATER!!!
So going over 18 hours on the mag IV and so little water really did a number on her.

By 2:30 this afternoon her little body said, "ENOUGH! That's IT!"
The nurse was called, the IV halted, blood panel done, doctor came to see her, and EKG was ordered. She was in bad shape. As soon as she was given the OK to drink more water she slowly began to feel better. One of the side effects of the magnesium sulfate - apparently - is feeling like you have the flu! Plus the babies had been real quiet - which caused Amber real concern. Later in the evening they monitored the heart beats and all four were doing well. Every baby's heart beat had their own 'sound.' It was the neatest thing to listen to the personalities of their hearts beating!
Baby 'B' is the Wild Child of the group. When the nurse was getting HER heart beat  - that baby wanted everyone to know she was indignant and gave such a THUMP it made the little Doppler wand jump up!

I left about 7:15 happy to know Mike was with her and she was feeling somewhat better. It is so hard to watch your child suffer........even as that child is suffering in order to have HER children! She definitely has a 'Mother's Heart.' You never get over it.

Hopefully she is sleeping as I write this before I go to sleep. A hospital is NOT the place to get any real REST!

Praying tomorrow is an easier day for her as they resume the mag IV.
She went in knowing this first week - and the first days - would be extremely rough.
The things we do for our children!
I am going to do it again in the morning......and so is she!!!


  1. I love this post Linda! My momma said to me the other day that a part of her hated to see me have another baby. I was so offended but after lots of thought I knew exactly what she meant. She hated to see me go through the pain of pregnancy, the pain of delivery & so forth. She also hated to see me struggle with 2 little ones at home as I have a time with Ax some days. As my mother, she hates to see anything hard for me. I totally get that, I have a daughter of my own. I love your love for Amber. It's a beautiful love and that shows in your posts.

    I'm sorry Amber had a rough day. I've heard several people talk about mag and how tough it can be. Hopefully as time goes on it will get easier on her. Sending lots of prayers her way!

    Oh BTW- your outfit is fabulous. You look gorgeou classy lady :)

  2. What a brave mum-to-be your Amber is. Her smile says a lot about her. It's SO good that you can be there!

  3. So glad I saw this post - I've been wondering how the day was going for Amber. I'm sure she enjoys having you with her at the hospital, she'd be very lonely there all by herself,

  4. Amber is so lucky having you there..I hope each day gets easier on her....you look awesome

  5. Thanks so much for the update. I'm sure having her mom there is helping Amber to feel better. Tell her my church and my family are still praying for her. You take care of yourself too.

  6. I wouldn't get through this week without the support of Mike, you and LD being here. I am so glad YOU are up for the challenge! Love you mom!

  7. Yes, such love. Such devotion. Such commitment. God bless you all mightily.

  8. You are looking so cute, all ready to go!!!

    Wondering where you are sleeping and etc.? For the week...

    Gentle hugs...

  9. Linda, Praying for all of you this morning. Poor Amber, makes your heart break , for her to have to go thru so much. You looked like a styling grandma in your photo. Very Pretty. Smiles, Susie

  10. I'm glad that you are there with Amber...you are a great mom and she will be, too. I hope she stays put for the longest time possible. What a miracle!


  11. Thank you for posting on how Amber is doing, and including pics she looks happy, you are a Great Mom and she is following in your footsteps..
    Continued Prayers!

  12. I hate that Amber is having such bad side effects but it sounds like if she can be allowed to drink more water her body can cope better. I'm so proud of you driving in down town Houston!!! Impressive!

  13. Linda this is so touching and I can't even imagine what Amber is experiencing; carrying one child at a time can be challenging enough. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

    And kudos to you for diving in Houston! That's awesome!! Cheers.

  14. i read this first, so i go in "order". i will read todays entry next!!

    both moms are so brave, keeping my fingers crossed :))))

  15. You both are beautiful from whatever perspective! Your dear daughter is going through so much. sandie

  16. Oh how pretty she is and that big, big beautiful belly! How exciting this must be for you to become a granny..I know, it's the best, but I am with you, I'd hate to see my daughter Sofia go again at another pregnancy! Feel sorry for her, sweet pea. God bless your daughter and good luck. Prayers will go her way right now. Mama, you keep your cool, ya hea?
