Friday, April 27, 2012

A FUN Friday!!

Today has been such a fun day for me. It seems nearly every time I come down with a good case of 'Tired' - the next day I am  back UP! I appreciate my dear friends and family and the phone calls, messages, emails and such. I am not 'out and about' as much as I used to be and it's nice to be able to keep up with each other through all the modern social networks we have available to us these days.

For years Friday has been 'Beauty Shop Run' where I go to Fort Worth and take my mother to get her hair done. My sweet sisters have covered for me the last couple of months when I am not available  - in Houston. Nita drops Mother off on her way to work and then Deanie picks her up. Mother LIVES with Nita and Deanie shoulders a ton of responsibility for Mother - from meds to doctor visits to nail salons and movies, lunches and outings - and now - the Beauty Shop pick up!

However, TODAY I enjoyed a Fort Worth kind of day!! I arrived early enough at Deanie's for a visit while Mother was at the salon. Since Nita drops her off early - Mother finishes early and Deanie and I were NOT through visiting!

 So I brought Mother back to Deanie's and we all three had the BEST time!

I showed Mother all my latest photos and Facebook 'stuff.'
She loves visiting friends and family on Facebook.....especially the PICTURES!

She loved seeing the nursery all ready and waiting for the Bell Quads!

The three of us had the BEST time!

Next up was LUNCH! Mother knew exactly where she wanted to go!!

Red Lobster! She does love those biscuits!

She nearly always wants the clam chowder and today she said, "BIG one!!"
They brought her a CUP instead of bowl......
she knew the difference and let ME know it, too!

She was one happy lady when the server brought her MORE!!!
AND - she ate every single bit of it!! AND - plenty of biscuits!

It was so much fun to spend some time together. Here lately Mother has been telling me, "I love you ANYWAY!"

(Mother suffered a stroke 6 years ago and her speech and some understanding has been affected. She continues to be a great communicator - with or without WORDS!)

Guess where we went next!
The car wash!
A great spot to entertain grand kids........

....or my Mother!! She got such a kick out of it!
Said she hasn't been there in a LONG time!!!

After leaving Fort Worth I stopped in at the grocery store in anticipation of three of my grandchildren coming tomorrow. They are going to spend the night and that means another FUN day!

LD loves Caterpillar! He has stock in it, I think, because every time he sees one he yells out, "There's a CAT!"
Wish the grands could have been here this week to watch the city guys tear out our old sidewalk and pour a new one! After I got home this afternoon I was surprised that Louis Dean had mowed the yard.
It is SUCH a pretty day so we took our iced tea to the driveway.

I have much to do. Laundry. Yard work. House cleaning. Bills. Chores.
But FIRST of all.......I am going to spend a few minutes looking up at the sky through the swaying pecan tree and counting my blessings!

I saw my mother and one sister. I had a note from another sister. I saw a post from a third sister. My husband mowed the yard. Grand kids are visiting tomorrow.
 I talked to Amber this morning. She is holding on and doing well. Her fellow quad mom, Ashley, gave birth to her quads last Friday and they are all doing well. You can read her latest post - The Martin Quads + One Big Sister.

Amber will be 25 weeks tomorrow!
My heart is so full of joy right now.....I just wanted to share it with YOU!

Happy Friday, Folks!!!


  1. I had a wonderful day too, Linda.
    We are both very blessd.
    Glad Amber continues to do so well.

  2. My heart filled as I read this post, Linda - so beautiful! I'm glad you got to spend some time with your mum and sister - it feeds your joy too!

  3. What a full day! Have a great day tomorrow...take care!

  4. Everyone looks great and Lucy seemed to really be enjoying you on her turf. LOL Do be sure and get plenty of REST as well as all the work to catch up on. Amber needs you to be healthy and energetic once those babies arrive. Enjoy the the older ones tomorrow. Hey get Summer to drop rain off and you will have a quad squad rehearsel. LOL a bit easier since the ages variy but it's still 4. LOL Love you sis. your da bomb as the kids would say!

  5. oops.. Rayne.. so sorry... I misspelled other words too but can't correct them as easy. YIKES! :-)

  6. Hey, Sis!! Who CARES about spelling? Always good to see a comment from you!

  7. Your Dear Mom looks wonderful how old is she? What a fun day and who doesnt love Red Lobster's biscuits mmmm good:)
    You looked so relaxed looking up at the sky, I would love to do that but afraid I wouldnt be able to get up again;)
    Have fun with the Grandkids, and a great weekend Continued prayers for those 4 little ones and Amber.

  8. Your mom is so cute.
    Her eating made me think of my mother-in-law. She loved to eat and especially dessert.
    Glad you had such a great day.

  9. Your mother is so cute! What a wonderful "I love you anyway," which I may have to adopt myself. =D

    So glad that all is going well with Amber; everyone continues to be in my prayers and most especially when I'm visiting here. (Because my memory isn't what it used to be.)

  10. what a happy post...i can feel it!!

    awesome pictures of the girls, i love all those smiles!!

  11. Your mom is beautiful- she has such a glow about her. Enjoyed getting to "meet" you through your blog- looking forward to hearing more about the quads (what a blessing!) when they come~

  12. Oh How I miss my mother - youa re so lucky. She is smiling and everything. Spend as much time with her as you can. She looked so happy. I miss those days. You looked like you have a great day. sandie

  13. Your mom looks like the sweetest lady. I so miss mine, she would be 83 and probably as spunky as all get out. Cancer sucks.

    Love that you came home to a cut lawn, peace and quiet before all your busyness, but I think you thrive on that! Have a wonderful day tomorrow with the kiddies. Much lovetot Amber!


  14. Linda, I really enjoyed this post. Your mom looks great. You having fun with mom and sister, then getting word from your other sisters. The love of your good man. Your Amber doing well...God is Good. smiles, Susie

  15. This post made me smile Linda! What a wonderful Friday you had. I love that you got to get back to your routine a little and have a Fort Worth kind of day. I know how important spending time with your mom is. It's funny that you took a carwash pic. Believe it or not I took one yesterday. Great minds think alike. Enjoy those grands this weekend and keep counting those blessings dear. That is what life is all about!!!
