Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fried Chicken - TEXAS Style!!

The main dish at the party last night was FRIED CHICKEN!
Chris - a friend of Amber and Mike's - brought the whole shebang!
The chicken, cooker, fuel, oil......

......and the seasonings!
Notice the TEXAS beer - Shiner Bock - in the A&M Koozie!

The entire neighborhood smelled delicious!
Most of the neighbors were here at the party but I bet the ones who weren't wished they WERE!!

There were several expecting ladies attending - including the fryer's wife (on the left) -  one of the FOUR I counted! Lisa (on the right) is Amber's good friend and college roomie. It is only fitting that they are expecting together. Even though Lisa is 27 weeks and Amber is 17 - they are 'expecting' to deliver at the same time!

I didn't get a pic of the chicken after it was crispy brown, tender and juicy.....the party was well under way by then.
But let me assure you - it was WONDERFUL!!
So good that this morning Louis Dean and I ate a couple of pieces cold for breakfast.

The party was a success and today has been productive. We are organizing as we admire and ooh and ahh over the gifts that have accumulated these past weeks. Un-packaging and making a game plan was our agenda. Summer, Louis Dean, Mike and Amber and I have been at it all day long and made some very real progress. Mike's brother, Mark, and his lovely girlfriend, Amanda, came over and were pressed into action. Many busy hands have made the work go a bit faster. TOTALLY too much for Amber to do even if she were not on modified bed rest.

Well, Frito Pie was the menu for tonight's supper. All is well in our world as we settle down for the evening. The young people are gathered around watching a movie in the den. Amber needed a distraction. She has been experiencing some contractions - which is to be expected - but is SO troubling! A movie is just the ticket to take her mind off things. As for the 'old' people.......Louis Dean and I are headed out to the lawn chairs we brought with us. He has them set up on the driveway.  I have our wine poured and we intend to spend the next couple of hours watching the stars and just sitting.....with each other.

There is simply something special about a Sunday evening.
Hope YOU are enjoying YOURS!!


  1. What would any of us do without our friends and family?! Glad "the village" is in place to care for all those babies when the time comes. When is it they expect her to deliver? I can't remember.

  2. Now that's a cooker! Sounds like a smashing success, you're amazing Linda and I hope you enjoyed your time star gazing with romantic is that? :-)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day for everyone. I think it's so cool that so many friends are expecting at the same time. It guarantees a play crowd for everyone!

  4. I bet that chicken was amazing...anything is better deep fried!

    Prayers for Amber. I know every single contraction is probably making her a nervous wreck these days.

    Glad you all had a nice Sunday. I've bee away for a bit and it's nice catching back up with you.

  5. What is Frito Pie? Must know!
    The party must have been a roaring success - I'm hungry just thinking about that chicken.

  6. Lovely that this step in the preparations, is over with. I'm sure all was delicious, and a good time was had by all.

    I could imagine that even though Amber was not allowed to DO anything, just the atmosphere was stressful. Happy yes. But stressful too. And that may have brought on the contractions.

    Hope today is calm for her.

    And you toooooo, my Dear!!!!!!

    "Seeing what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle."
    ~~George Orwell

  7. That is some kind of fryer! I bet all of that food was delicious. Glad to hear that the party was a success. Now Amber can rest easy knowing that everyone is now just waiting on the babies to arrive.

  8. It sounds like everything went off wonderfully!

    Please tell your daughter to take good care, although I suspect you have that in hand already!

  9. wow something must be in the water all those pregant ladies...good luck to them all...

  10. I am definitely not drinking out of the same water fountain as these girls. Wow so many pregnant women in one room.
    Linda I think the party was a huge success and Kris is hired to cook up the chicken for our next party. That was darn finger lickin good. So was all the sides and dessert.

    You deserved that glass of wine and a sit under the stars with your honey.
