Thursday, February 9, 2012

Moving Right Along.......

I haven't been taking many pics of Amber since I have been down here.....she was still recovering from a nasty cold. Snowball and July do not often sit this close to each other! They are rather antagonist towards one another even though they have been together all their lives! But Amber was there on the couch and so they were, TOO!

Yesterday we enjoyed a Starbucks treat together - courtesy of my older daughter, Summer. We did it up with with a drink AND scones!

For dinner last night I made beef stew. To my delight Amber had TWO bowls!
(And she kept them down!)
Sometimes there's just nothing like 'Mom's Cooking' to make things better!

I never get tired of watching the GRAND dogs playing of life's little pleasures.

I have been busy today getting some things ready for the QUAD parties!
Instead of baby pink and blues we are going for a Texas QUAD theme!!

I am going to use these on the tables - and covering the tables with painter's drop cloths.

I stocked up on dried pinto beans and black eyed peas for the jars.
Pondside, watch for a package to arrive in your mail sometime next week!
Directions for cooking on the bag!

Wondering about adding a button to the jute but I may just leave them.

We are kicking the preparations up a notch since Amber came back for today's doctor appointment. At 14 weeks she is the size of a 24 week pregnancy. The game and rules change for multiple births! ALL FOUR babies looked - in the doctor's words - "REALLY good!!" Praise GOD!!
While everything is proceeding along on course for QUADS we were made aware of a few things we were not quite prepared for.
Within just another 2-4 weeks Amber will be on bed rest.
The party scheduled for March  here in the Houston area is still a go since it will be at their house. HOWEVER......
we had planned on a big Open House (shower) in March.
She won't be able to travel by then so the doctor said if she wanted to go to Dallas it would have to be SOON! And in February!

After a flurry of phone calls to my husband, sisters, and my other daughter - our family is AMAZINGLY supportive - I want all our local friends and family to know
 we will be having the party in February. 'Evites' are in the works as I write! No time for snail mail invitations!

Now, I DID take pictures today and I can't wait to show you.

Always stylish - no matter what!!

Things are going by at lightning speed around here!
Another day is done.  I think I will fix me a cup of tea and sit by the window and watch the dogs play for a little while. They don't have a CLUE what is coming their way!! I am certain all three dogs will be as devoted to the four little Bells as they are to Amber and Mike! STILL! Even their lives are in for some real changes and excitement!


  1. It's so exciting to be following your daughter's pregnancy, I can't even imagine how excited you must be!

    She is looking so very well and happy but of course she will be, she has her Mam there!

  2. You are so organized! Your daughter is very pretty! I couldn't imagine having multiple babies. She is handling it all so well. I guess she will be on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy? Yikes! I believe you are going to be a busy g'ma then! Looking forward to following along on this exciting journey.

  3. I love the table centerpieces! Perfect!!
    Thanks for sharing the photos of Amber with us. It will be interesting to watch her grow as the pregnancy continues. How exciting this is! So great that you are preparing for a party - pre babies!

  4. There'll be plenty of excitement for everyone for years to come! Such a good report for the babies. Amber looks great. Hope that she has some wonderful plans for her bed rest. Great movies. Reading. Writing. Planning. Issuing orders. Whatever one does when on bed rest. Perhaps you'll be researching that aspect of the journey...

  5. Amber looks great...this is all very amazing to watch happen through your blog!

    Good luck with the party planning! I will keep Amber in my thoughts and prayers!


  6. great news on the glad they are growing like they should be....I guess Amber is getting a taste of how things will be with four babies...everything in fast mottion...

  7. Oh what a doll, your daughter is!!!

    So happy that she felt better... Enough to have her pic taken by Momma. :-)

    Wow! Such a unique time schedule, you all are on. Wow!

    "How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being."
    ~Oscar Wilde

  8. The Comfort of the Quilt, the Stew and Mama's love!( Even the antagonists feel the LOVE!) Your Texas Quad Party is the perfect theme! "Northerners" know that "Everything's bigger in Texas!"

    Linda, this may crack you up! Do you remember a movie with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra called "Four for Texas"? It was called to mind the minute that I heard about the Quads!

    Amber looks wonderful! I am so pleased to hear that the babies are doing well!

  9. Wow, you and Amber are both amazing individuals. It's so good you're there with Amber, helping her along and Amber looks fantastic! I wish you both well, have fun with the party... which from the sounds of it you are! Oh and that stew looks fantastic, yummm.

  10. Wow! She looks fabulous at 14 weeks. It's likely the best time to be doing all the prep...and having quad parties'. Who knows how long she'll be on her feet. What a lot of excitement over there. Wishing everyone all the best.

    Love your 'candle jars'!

  11. Look at you being all organized and crafty. What a surprise? Not. You are good. Love those candle jars.
    Amber looks great! Glad you're able to come down and be with her.

  12. Oh wow, things with quads are in fast forward aren't they? Glad things looked great at the doc today. I know Amber is really enjoying you being there. Your so right, sometimes we just need our momma's touch.

    Tell Mrs. Amber she is looking just beautiful!

    Many Prayers & Blessings!
