Friday, February 17, 2012

"Hey, it's good to be back home again!"

I'm home!

Arrived yesterday afternoon early enough for Louis Dean and I to enjoy a little driveway sitting!

It was a beautiful evening so we took Lucy for a walk down to the local elementary school yard. Louis Dean had made dinner - baked fish, fresh cooked baby carrots and baked sweet potatoes. I can also just about tell you everything he cooked while I was GONE, too. My kitchen counters tell the stories! I came in and 'buzzed' for a couple of hours. Then we did what LD loves to do more than anything else!!
We SAT!! In the living room, wine glasses in hand - simply SITTING! Didn't even turn the TV on!! We caught up on all the news - even though we called each other many times every day while we were apart! I don't think  I will be going alone to Houston next time!

These were my travel companions on the drive down there and back.
I LOVE audio books! And Crazy Water AND taffy!!! BANANA taffy!

 AT&T Hot Spot Internet and a slice of apricot pie and coffee made for a welcome break on the home stretch into Dallas.  Louis Dean made an apricot pie last week. He scooped the filling out - NOT good, he said! - and then ate the pie crust! But not all  at one sitting he assured me!

I played all my Words With Friends and Scrabble games before climbing back into the car to bring 'er on home!

This morning I made the Fort Worth Beauty Shop Run for Mother. LD went with me! We hit up some good sales at Tuesday Morning and Steinmart before we all lunched on some great seafood at Red Lobster! (We brought home enough leftovers for supper tonight!) We ate so much we BOTH took naps when we got home! Bet Mother did, too!! We were SO full! I could make a meal off the Cheddar Cheese Biscuits and salad! Today Mother and I split the Coconut Shrimp and she also had a cup of clam chowder. One of her favorite meals!

Louis Dean helped me take my spring decorations down from the shed attic. I have a LOT to do in the next seven days! While I am NOT going to decorate for Easter until after next week's Quad Squad party - I AM going to add some touches of spring since the house has been 'bare' after the fall and Christmas stuff came down. I have the boxes all in here so I might as well get to cleaning AND decorating! We are having several musician friends over for a jam session and dinner on Sunday evening so I better get a move on!

This is one my favorite songs!!
John Denver!


  1. what a girl you just never stop!!

  2. I'm happy you had a wonderful, safe trip and a sweet homecoming. We were outside for a few hours today, the sun was shining and I saw some jonquils coming up, but not warm enough for sitting in the driveway. Yet.

  3. You had me grinning with the knowing what your darling has been making in the kitchen. Bet he's thrilled to have you home.

    Great song by John Denver, too.

  4. Welcome home. I've had those kitchen diary return home to clean up too. Nice to be back though.

  5. No matter where we go, and no matter how wonderful the stay, we are always happiest to come home.
    I love the thought of you and LD sitting in the driveway, watching the sky turn to night, and then sitting with your wineglasses and quiet conversation. Just lovely.

  6. Love the photo of y'alls feet propped up. And chuckled when you said your house was bare, only you would think that! I am so grateful for y'alls support and your selfless time commitments to help us out. Can't wait to see you again!

  7. Welcome home Linda...seems like males like to just sit and daughter and I were talking about that today...seems us girls like buzzing around....don't work too hard..

  8. Welcome home, Linda! I love your sittin' on the driveway shoes!

  9. Hi Linda; glad you are home again. My sweet sister Joy a Vintage Green deleted my linky followers and she is very sorry. If you like, can you follower again. Thanks.

  10. Welcome home Linda, it sounds like you have had an amazing time getting back home and settled in, or have you had time to get settled in yet? I love your energies, pass some this way please! Have a wonderful weekend, cheers.

  11. Feb. 18

    So glad you are home, safe and sound. And that you did some just-sitting and catching up. :-)))))

    Gentle hugs,

  12. So glad that you made it back home safe and sound. I think that is so nice that Louis Dean was able to hold down the fort for you while you were gone. Sounds like he's very self sufficient. That's good. Hope Sunday night brings you alot of fun. I like John Denver too. So sad that he's gone now. Have a great weekend back at home.

  13. Welcome back! And you are busy again! Sounds like your Saturday night is going to be special!! Have fun!


  14. I'm telling ya Linda, I don't know where you get all your energy. I'm sure LD has missed you like the dickens and is glad to have you home. I bet your momma has missed you too. Can't wait to see your Spring decor, I love your decor always. Take it easy lady, get yourself some rest. Enjoy the weekend.

  15. Welcome Home! Glad you had a good, safe trip, GF. My how happy LD must be to have you home again.
    Enjoyed the John Denver song - how cute and tan he was. Another one, "gone to soon"...

  16. I'm catching up on my blog reading finally. You're the energizer bunny. You never stop. And I know you're running around getting things ready for this weekend and then the following.
    That evening picture thru the trees was really nice.
    Off to read some more before my lunch time is over.
