Thursday, January 26, 2012

Preemie Layettes are 'SEW' Tiny!!!

I think I finally got the sizing down for the Preemie Layette!

The first one I made seemed HUGE!!

This is Amber's baby doll she received for Christmas when she was two years old.
I am using her as a guide to a preemie size.
Amber says preemie's may be even smaller.

I had to take it up a good bit!

I now have four little 'foot print' gowns and four little 'kitty cat' ones.
Plus four little caps.
Not sure how true the hats will fit.
Will make four more caps to match the latest gowns tomorrow.
Next week I have little teddy bear fabric to sew.
I am holding off on the blue train fabric until we know the genders of the the quads.
For now anything 'baby neutral' goes!

We had some light rain this morning but for the most part it is over.
I changed sheets, washed my hair and did some more 'drying out' in the den.
Sucked up as much water as we could so now we are laying towels down and then drying them and starting over. Laundry was done in between loads of towels.

Poor Louis Dean has had to take up the slack the last couple of days.
He has walked Lucy and 'kept house' as much as he is capable of doing.
Last night we watched a Hallmark movie starring Shirley MacLaine -
'Mrs. Winterbourne.' LD LOVES Shirley MacLaine! We are trying to watch a few less blood and gore TV programs and a few more wholesome and uplifting movies.
I recorded 'Meet Joe Black' for our next TV watching session. Anthony Hopkins is another favorite actor. And, of course, I can always watch Brad Pit!

I am still not feeling well and am about to head off to an early bedtime.
Louis Dean gets lonely when I am out of commission. I am happy he is not ill but he does get antsy! He thawed some steaks from the freezer and asked me if that was a good idea for dinner. I told him it was a GREAT idea and if he wanted them he could cook them and some baked potatoes as well! Then I took a nap!
He did indeed make a marvelous dinner! AND he changed out the laundry and cleaned the bathroom! Will wonders never cease!! He is such a good guy!
I know he will be glad when I am back pumping on all cylinders!

Tomorrow is Friday and I am back to the beauty shop run with my mother.
Hopefully I will wake up feeling like my old self again.
And I mean 'old' self in a GOOD way!!


  1. So much to tend to with all that water coming in. Glad that it's getting resolved.

    Your hubby sounds as if he knows how to take good care of himself and you. Steaks for supper? No way could mine do that! Clean the bathroom? Maybe.

    Take care of yourself now.

    Oh, I couldn't resist tossing in the "if you're expecting a grandbaby or four" today, especially after visiting your daughter yesterday. So that was just for you!

  2. Wow.. you keep going even when you're not feeling 100 %.. Take care!! Love those babies outfits!!.. Lucky you having LD

  3. Enjoy your day with your Mom...the baby outfits are too precious...Way to Go LD....

  4. How much fun you must be having on those little layettes. I was telling the hubby the other day that when we find out what this baby is we need to buy preemie clothes. Both my other 2 wore preemie but they weighed 6 pounds. I'm just guessing this one might too. Preemie things are soooo darn tiny.

    Shew, that water has been a mess and a half hasn't it. Hopefully you all will get it all cleaned up soon. Maybe the rain will stay away for awhile, heavy rain that is.

    Sorry your still not feeling well. I'm glad LD takes good care of you. It's always nice to have that helping hand. Get you some rest and I hope to read about your beauty shop trip with your momma tomorrow!!!!

  5. Hope you wake up feeling much better tomorrow. LD has done such a good job and I am sure he wants you feeling better even more. Sweet little preemie gowns and caps.

  6. I do hope you will feel better soon!
    Those preemie outfits took me back. Our Lillypad was a preemie and I'll never forget the first time I changed her. Her little bottom was only as big as two of my small knuckles. She was tiny, but she was mighty and just like the pediatrician said, by the time she was two years old she'd caught up to everyone.

  7. The little outfits are precious, Linda. What a great idea fitting them on the doll! The babies are going to be very well dressed.

    I just read about the water, I must have missed a post. It sounds like a mess. Just what you need when you are sick. But LD sure sounds like he knows how to take care of you and the house. I'd faint if my hubby cooked or cleaned!

    Get your rest and take care.


  8. Sorry you're still not feeling 100% but hope you are much better today. God bless LD for taking such good care of you. Your premie clothes are so cute. I don't know how you keep on going when you're not feeling well. Make sure you get enough rest. Have fun with your Mom today.

  9. Oh my gracious, the sizing of sewing a Preemie Layette, just boggles my mind. You are soooooooo talented.

    But still not fully feeling *up to snuff.* -sigh- I do hope that today/Fri., you are feeling much better. And do be very careful about what you eat out, with Mother, for lunch!!!!!!!!

    LD is doing wonderfully. Pitching in, while you are *feelin' poorly.* You must be so proud of him. Of course you are!!!!

    Good luck with all the drying out!!!

    We have lots of rain up here too. But our cellar has always had a sump pump installed. Being in TX, your house may not even have a cellar........ Not sure....

    "Anyone who says they have only one life to live, must not know how to read a book."
    ~Author Unknown

  10. So tiny...and so sweet...your little preemie outfits! Good thing you can sew...because those teeny outfits are not easy to find.

    So sorry to hear of you 'flood'...and that you have been under the weather. Hope you have a great weekend.

  11. Sorry to hear you're still under the weather. Feel better soon! Enjoy Momma day! Hugs

  12. Linda,
    You are so amazing! I hope you feel better soon!
    I awarded you the Liebster today!

  13. Hope you're feeling better now that it's time for the weekend. Those little preemie gowns look sweet. I loved using gowns on my newborns. They draw up their legs so much when they're first born that it's hard to stretch them out to dress them. They have to be changed so much, that the gowns give easy access. With your daughter dealing with 4 at one time, she'll appreciate the ease of those gowns without all the snaps. You can always go to the store and measure the size of the preemie clothes too to get a better idea of the measurements needed.

  14. too cute for words, i adore the fabrics!!

    i sure do hope you feel better soon!!

  15. I still have all these gowns if someone can use them. They have never been worn. Modern moms prefer different things these days and the babies were in special circumstances. If you know someone who actually wants to use these I will be happy to mail them to her! They are super soft and sewn with love and prayers
