Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Mike's Vintage Toys!

Most of us have fond memories of our childhood toys. My favorites were paper dolls, puzzles and jacks. I did not keep these toys so they are only memories to me.
My brother in law, on other hand, KEPT his!! AND he kept them in mint condition!
He has a whole room of toys! What a special room it is, too!

Mike and Nita hosted Christmas morning breakfast and I could not help but snap a few pictures. I had Louis Dean's fancy camera so they actually turned out pretty good!

Not EVERY vintage toy belonged to Mike but a good many DID!

He must have had a wonderful childhood!!

He has a special fondness for all things 'Sinclair!'
Isn't this the neatest thing??

This room is a REAL 'Talley Playhouse!'

Mike has an extensive collection!
He also puts together models of vintage planes.
I love that this one is carrying Christmas packages instead of bombs!

As is THIS one!
See the traffic light?
He has THE most interesting things in here!!

Not only do Nita and Mike have huge collections of VINTAGE toys.......
they also embrace MODERN technology!
Our little niece enjoyed playing their Wi game Christmas morning!
I LOVE this room!!
EVERYONE loves this room!

And in keeping with the vintage mood......
OF COURSE Mike would have an aluminum Christmas Tree....complete with a color wheel!!
These were popular from 1955 until the middle 1960's and continued to be manufactured into the early 1970's!
As a child, we never had one but I always thought they were so elegant!

Mother (who lives with my sister and brother in law) has certainly enjoyed this Christmas season!

We ALL enjoyed Christmas Morning at my sister's!!
Thank you, Nita and Mike, for hosting!


  1. What a cool home! Loved seeing all those vintage boy's toys and the gift bearing planes. No wonder your mother is content there! It's like a little wonderland all of its own.

  2. Linda, that's a storybook room. Thanks for all the photos.
    What a wonderful house to enjoy on Christmas!!

  3. What a wonderful, full of love and family series of posts you've written today and in the past several day. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. such a great that tree...

  5. That is the neatest train room! I love how it's set-up. The retro tree is perfect in there too. That camera sure did a nice job with the photo's too!

  6. What a collection, he HAS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Your Mama looks very pretty and festive, for Christmas.

    Mmmmmmmmmm, who keeps this room dusted? -giggles- Does your bro-in-law? Or your sister? :-)

    "People are so worried about what they eat
    between Christmas and the New Year,
    but they really should be worried about what they eat
    between the New Year and Christmas."

  7. Beautiful Collection!! I remember mom...had to get an Aluminum tree...she just loved it...I was remember my older sisters missing the 'real thing'...would love to have that tree now...don't thing anyone kept it:(

  8. THAT is what I call a collection. Fabulous room...:)

  9. That room is a little boy's dream!....and I know that my Great Dane would love to get lost for an hour or two there!

  10. What an awesome room, I'd love to play in it! :-) You have a beautiful family, what a blessing to spend Christmas the way it's intended to be spent, with those we love.

    Wishing you a blessed and Happy New Year!

  11. I have someone who would love the trains and I know my air force vetern uncle would love the planes and I kinda enjoy the sinclair. ;o)
    That is a cool room!

  12. Oh and I had one of those silver trees when mom and I lived in Kansas City, MO. Blast of the past
