Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Cup of Christmas Tea With Friends and Family....

I SO enjoyed my Christmas Tea last night! It was a wonderful gathering of friends - new and old, a few family members, neighbors - both past and present.
Fireplace weather made it all the more Christmas special!

This is Candie who was Amber's FIRST synchronized swimming coach.
Synchro friends tend to make relationships that last a life time!
Amber's closest friends include her synchro team.....
and mine include the coaches and moms!

See the beautiful scarf I am wearing?
Candie is an artist with a pair of knitting needles!

My 'newest' friend to arrive at Tea was Deb of Ladybug From Texas!
We have been friends for about a year and live in the same town!
Her mother joined us and we were like kindred spirits!!
Plans are already made for some art time together in January!
God is so good in bringing us together with people that will light up our life!!

Since I am the QUEEN of Facebook - this Christmas Tea was listed as an open event although I did send 'requests' to several just to make sure they KNEW they were invited.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I opened the door and saw.....

my friend and former neighbor, Beth!!!!
We have not seen each other in 12 years!!!
She saw the event on Facebook but didn't RSVP so she could surprise me!
And SURPRISE me she DID!!

Stephanie - my dearly beloved next door neighbor - Beth and I  all raised our kids together!
We each had a girl and a boy about the same ages. They went on to add another to the mix....both of whom are THE most beautiful girls with THE best personalities!!

I was simply stunned to actually SEE Beth - I bet I hugged her three or four times before we left the foyer! What an exciting night!!

I was so busy having fun and enjoying the fellowship I forgot to take very many pictures. But I have them where it counts! In my heart and in my mind's eye!!
The best Christmas Tea EVER!!!

As everyone left I handed out packages of my Texas Trash.
Deb and Judy - I forgot to give you yours!
I will save them for the next time I see you!

As much fun as we had, please know if you missed it WE missed you!!

At party's end Louis Dean came out of hiding and joined us in the den as we threw another log on the fire and recounted our good time.
Ruth Ann - my sister in law - enjoyed a little down time with us.
Candie spent the night (sleeping in the 'Cat Room'.....she is such a good sport!) so it made the whole evening even more special.

SO here I am in Texas Christmasing along and keeping up with my daughter, Amber, who is in Italy! I have heard the bells ring from the cathedral in Verona, watched the Italian Christmas lights, seen the local people walking on the street below their hotel and listened in as they spoke to each other in Italian......all because of Skype!!

I suppose Christmas all the world over is made more special in sharing our blessings, our testimonies, our food, our wine, our homes, our languages, our experiences with one another.

May I just say how blessed I am in having such wonderful friends and family?
And I am thankful for the lovely friends I have out there in the world of Blog.
You really EXIST!!!
I have met one now - face to face!!

I just want to wish Dawn and Robin, Jane and Flora, Pat and Kelly, Bj and MANY of you dear well as all the other friends in my life.....

a VERY Merry Christmas!!!


  1. What a special post, mom. I can't believe Beth surprised you - that is so perfect! The three of y'all haven't been together in so long. Hopefully next year I'll be at your Christmas Tea. :)

    Had to laugh a little when you said "put another log on the fire..."
    The song goes so well with your post: "...and boil me up another pot of TEA!"

  2. What a lovely, lovely time!!!!!!! Even to being surprised. Sweet pals you have. :-)

    Ohhhhh Amber and her husband are in Italy! I guess I forgot. One of our sons has an Italian Exchange Student staying with his family, this year. Kiara is a sweetheart. Our son hopes to have her be able to Skype with her family, for Christmas. :-) Because it's a biggggggg holiday, to be so far from family, when you are so young.

    But all our family, and his wife's family, will try to make her as welcomed as is possible. :-)

    Our daughter's Japanese Exchange Student doesn't make so much of Christmas. But being from Italy, we are sure Kiara will.

    "Did you ever wonder about the Victorian version of sugarplums dancing around every one's head in "A Visit From St. Nicholas"? Sugarplums were exotic sweetmeats, a combination of fruit and nuts, traditionally available only during the holidays."
    ~~"Mrs. Sharp's Traditions"

  3. Linda I hear about your wonderful tea on Deb's blog... what a delightful time!! Isn't Christmas time wonderful!! Hope you have a most blessed Christmas!

  4. Linda - How blessed you are! Your tea sounds like it was just wonderful, and I wish I could have been there. :)
    Merry Christmas - Marsha

  5. It is always a treasure to read about your parties and gatherings at your house. I have a childhood friend name Beth too that I haven't seen in a few years. It is always exciting to reconnect with them when you can. You look so pretty in your new scarf too. Glad that you had a great time. I'm sure everyone left with warm memories of that night.

  6. You post about such lovely get-to-gethers. Sparkles, good company, friends. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. My Mom and I had such a great time...thank you so much...and you did give us some trash...we really enjoyed it...

  8. What a great party that must have been, Linda. Thanks for sharing it!

  9. This post was so warm and so welcoming. Your home sounds the very same way and I'm sure that everyone who joined you for the evening felt the very same way. Your world is truly expanding because of Skype. How wonderful! May Amber and her beloved enjoy the rest of their time traveling and have a safe journey home tomorrow. Many blessings...

  10. OOO, what a wonderful time must have been had by all. The smiles on your faces tell me that each one enjoyed their time with friends.
    I can feel your excitement when you opened the door and there was your friend of long ago. How lovely of her to come and surprise you like that. Such fun.
    I so love your cute personality and warm heart...and you are so TINY....;)
    Thanks for being my bloggy friend and, who knows, next time you have a party, maybe I CAN come. I sure would love that.
    Merriest Christmas, dear one.
    (I just came over from Pond's Christmas memory post and still have tears running down my face.
    Love to you and Louis Dean !!!
    Praying for a safe trip home for your daughter and hubs.
    xoxo bj

  11. It sure looks like you all had a great time - I so wished I lived closer! Merry, merry Christmas to you all!

  12. Ohhhhhh Linda, I love SALT too. SALT and SUGAR. -moan- -gigggles-

    "Happy, happy Christmas, that can win us back to the delusions of our childish days; that can recall to the old man the pleasures of his youth; and transport the sailor and the traveller, thousands of miles away, back to his own fire-side and his quiet home!"
    ~~Charles Dickens,
    "The Pickwick Papers", 1836

  13. Wow, what a touching tea, I knew I loved tea for a reason, now I know what the reason is. It adds warmth to those alone moments, and adds character to those together times. The next time I'm stumped for a gift, I know what I'm going to give, a nice cuppa tea.

    Have yourself a fantastic day! Oh, and to see Italy, how heart warming and wonderful that we have the technology to share special moments even when apart.

  14. special times, beautiful christmas memories!!

    what a wonderful entry!!

    merry christmas, i wish we could live every day as though it was christmas!!

  15. How awesome! Surprises are great especially when it's friends you haven't seen for a while. Lovely post.
