Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Clean Bedroom WITH Thirty Square Feet of Finished Floor!

When I returned home from Fort Worth Friday afternoon I found Louis Dean SANDING and GRINDING the concrete in preparation for laying the floor tiles! Not only had he not covered anything with plastic he had ALSO turned on the attic fan!!!
This means that EVERYTHING - and I do mean EVERYTHING! - in the picture above had to be cleaned!!

(This is a pic of him adding some concrete only to grind it back off smoothly the next day!)

All the stuff had been piled up on one side of the room but the ground  cement dust covered it ALL! I slapped the faux fur cover that is across the foot of the bed and MAN!! Dust did fly!!! Poor man......he knew he had made a mess so there was no need to tell him!

I got right to work cleaning the bathroom which was also totally covered in dust!
I have lots of 'stuff' - or as LD calls it -DEBRIS - in there!!

By the time I had this bathroom clean LD was ready to lay some flooring!!!

It went faster than we thought it would!
Even so by the time the day was done and the trim was on we were give out!
We made a trip to Casa Cabana for a quick dinner before calling it quits and crawling into the dust laden bed! Believe it or not we slept soundly! LD has asthma and I thought sure he would have a hard time breathing in there but he didn't!

I spent all of yesterday cleaning in there!! And adding decorative touches now that all the trim is up.

Since I took this pic Louis Dean has finished out the trim along the ceiling.
He plans to build a box to hold the TV and I will Shabby Chic it to match the chest.

I keep the dress form in front of the mirror 'dressed' for the season.

I love draping lamps with vintage lace.
This is his side of the bed. He is such a good sport. All sorts of frilly things abound!
It takes a good while to turn off all the little lights in our house every night.
I need to make Louis Dean a master list of where the switches to everything are located.

My side of the bed....

I am loving my 30 square feet of flooring!!

We have a back door there at the end of this shot and it will be much nicer to NOT have carpet. After we recover we hope to get back to finishing the floor! As in so many of our projects - we do them piece meal! We DO get a bit stressed but we enjoy 'doing it our self!'


  1. Gotta love that man working so darn hard for you. Glad his asthma didn't kick in.
    - Joy

  2. You two are amazing! This room has gone from 0 to 100 and you've done it all yourselves!

  3. No covering up, when gonna' make dust! Oh sigh. Men, they mean well but forget some things. :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "To be admitted to Nature's hearth costs nothing. None is excluded, but excludes himself. You have only to push aside the curtain." ~Henry David Thoreau

  4. Gotta Love'em.
    I just love that word debris. I have used a few times in my blog about the debris I have collected. LOL

  5. Your room looks wonderful! Such hard worth it! LD did a great job laying the tiles! Isn't it the greatest feeling to have such a big project behind you?

    You have such a romantic touch to your decorating, Linda.

  6. Wow, that was sure kind of him to tackle this project but oops! I love the flooring, it looks great!

  7. great teamwork..snd I love the cozy feeling in your interior //Marie
