Thursday, November 3, 2011

It's Been a GOOD Week!

 My youngest son was in town on business and had Sunday evening free.
He lives in California and I had not seen him since last Christmas!
This is the son of my old age and I am so grateful to be his mother!

He requested Potato Soup for supper and we ate it in front of the fireplace while we watched the Dallas Cowboys Game.

Earlier Sunday afternoon Louis Dean enjoyed making music with his friends.
Life is always better with MUSIC!

Monday was Halloween and that was a fun day!
Our favorite neighbor children came back after the trick or treating was over
 and Louis Dean read 'The Ghost Eye Tree' by Bill Martin. He reads this every year and ALWAYS wears the hat! LD met Bill Martin at a Teacher Workshop and they became friends. The book means a lot to him and he gets such a kick out of reading it!

Tuesday was a seriously awesome day!
My movie buddy was back in town so we took in a matinee at Starplex then hit up a Goodwill, Thrift Store and Salvation Arny. I hit the JACK POT!!
Found a cart FULL of goodies including a floor lamp with attached tray to sit beside Louis Dean's easy chair in the den.

LOVE these hefty pumpkin beauties!

After our shopping we put in a couple of hours on our art projects.
These are still a couple of sessions from being finished but I did make some progress.

We listened to these Christmas CD's while we painted......
appropriate since we were painting Santas!
I picked this 3 CD set up for just $0.99 - LESS 25% Senior Discount -
making each CD just a quarter each!!

Wednesday was spent in the bedroom. I Kiltzed and painted the back door and sanded the Sheetrock in preparation for the last of the wall papering!

Which is what I did today!
Louis Dean is preparing the floor for the tile which I hope we get to do soon!
We passed the point of no return because I started ripping up the carpet!

Our room is a wreck!! LD has been in the guest room the last couple of days because he can't even GET to his side of the bed! There's barley enough room for me to squeeze through the debris and slide in between the covers. And covers we DO need now that chilly weather has arrived. We are actually facing a FREEZE warning tonight!!
I am loving it!!

LD was a professional baker back in the day! He can make some truly fine bread!
He baked four loaves this morning while I was papering.
Actually it was early afternoon. We do not 'do' much in the mornings other than read and drink coffee!

The day is done and I am happy we have accomplished so much!
Time now for a fire in the fireplace and a simple supper to be eaten in front of it!
I am thinking a cup of Earl Grey and grilled cheese sandwiches using that good bread I have been smelling all day will be prefect!


  1. Linda you are a busy your santas...

  2. Linda!
    Wow! What a week, and it's only Thursday! That photo of you and your son is wonderful! It shines with love!

    It's always so chaotic when renovation is going on, but the end result is worth it!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. You are having a good week! Supper sounded so tasty. Great progress.
    - Joy

  4. Well no wonder you've been having a good week! A handsome son home visiting, a lot of progress on the bedroom, homemade bread made by someone else and not yourself, music, stories read all sounds delightful!

  5. it's been a great week!! busy, busy fun stuff!!

    we listen to christmas music as we decorate the house and hang the outdoor lights!!

    beautiful picture of you and your son!!

  6. Linda, You sure are right, what a great week you have had.

    So glad for you. Looks like it was a lot of fun and a lot of work! That is always a good combination. :)
    Blessings to you - Marsha

  7. I'm just trying to catch up after a few days with no internet at my parents' house, and when I saw your post I knew that I couldn't go to bed until I'd read it. You certainly did have the best day!

  8. Love reading about your life! Such a wonderful full life you have!!

  9. Linda. Your son is HANDSOME!
    Yes! I would say you had a great week!!!
    Ohhhhhh that bread! Like a work of art! Looks like perfection!
    Have a pretty day!

  10. Linda. Your son is HANDSOME!
    Yes! I would say you had a great week!!!
    Ohhhhhh that bread! Like a work of art! Looks like perfection!
    Have a pretty day!

  11. Sounds like a perfect few days. Love the pic of you & your son!

    Those paintings look fantastic. You my friend are quite talented.

    Can't wait to see your room progress. Wall papering is something I've never been able to do.

  12. Hello Linda - so enjoyed reading about your week. Sounds like you've been having a busy time! Love that lamp you found at the thrift shop but don't envy you the state of your bedroom! Mind you, mine doesn't look far off that most of the time anyway!!
    Isn't doing works on the house tiresome though? It's good to see improvements but a bit hellish living through the process. I did 3 or 4 months worth earlier this year and am girding my loins for a much bigger project next year.
    How lovely to see your son after such a long time.
    And thank you too for your Hallowe'en memories - what fantastic diaries you have kept over the years.
    Enjoy the coziness of the big freeze and thank you so much for visiting my own part of the world and leaving such lovely comments.
    All the best.

  13. What a joy, to have your youngest son "in the house"!

    Precious Halloween tradition, LD reading that story. Memories are made of things like this. :-)

    Good luck with the completion of the bedroom project! With colder weather coming, you two need to be able to snuggle in the same bed, to keep warm at night. :-)

    Repeat, cause I've said this so many times------>Your pictures are so warmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and cozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy. :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "It is the glory and the worry of heavy laden boughs,
    the preparation of the pantry for winter.
    It is the bloom of the land, preserved."

    ~Amy Machamer

  14. What an awesome and busy week. What a true blessing it is that your strong and healthy to do all that you do.
    Life is good!

  15. Really has been a good week!!! You did find a lot of thrift store scores! The Santa paintings are looking awesome, I love that you do those every year. Pretty soon you'll have another good week when you come to see me! Can't wait!

  16. You are a wonder woman to accomplish this busy week.. As I groe older I find it takes a bit more energy to accomplish some things . Especially this summer with three different surgeries.. I How nice you got to spend time with your son.

  17. You are the busiest lady I know.
    So glad you got to visit with your son. I do miss the kids when they live so far away.
    Have another good week !!

  18. Good and Busy it sounds like. That is too cool about LD reading at Halloween every year.
    Well I know of at least 2 thrift shops in Tomball and there were some in the Heights near downtown Houston but I haven't been there in years.
