Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Simple Sunday......

I still have not ventured any further than our gazebo. We had coffee out there this morning and it was not uncomfortable. Louis Dean nearly burned his big fan up so he cannot run water on it anymore! SO he set the hose spraying BEHIND it and that did help cool the air somewhat. It's been so hot even the birds are not coming to the feeders as they normally do. The sprinkler seemed to attract them and he filled the feeders AND moved a bird bath over to the area and filled that up with water. Sure enough! The purple finches - or house finches as they are also called - came to call!
We get so much pleasure watching the critters around here. Geckos, frogs, birds...we
love ALL the creatures that eat the insects which we do NOT like!

After coffee and reading and a delicious breakfast Louis Dean prepared -
sausage (turkey), eggs and toast - we each set  out on with our own list of things we wanted to do. Nothing big....just those odd and end jobs that are easy to put off.

First off I decided to frost a bunch of little light bulbs. You know the kind you use in the electric 'candles.' On one of the many trips Amber and I made to Hobby Lobby last week I stocked up on them! I have to pay more during the year for what they label 'Night Lights' but are not nearly as expensive when you buy them as Christmas bulb replacements! I failed to buy ENOUGH last year. That won't happen again!

This is the way they turn out. I have little lights all over my house.
I really REALLY dislike harsh overhead lighting!

I use Dap Silicone sealant. Make sure you get the kind that says 'CLEAR.'
(And do not get the ones marked 'flammable!')

I just act like I am frosting them using a caulking gun with the trigger.
You can also put the silicone in an old jar and then dip the bulbs in one at a time pulling them up into a little tip at the top like a Dairy Queen ice cream cone!
The 'stuff' looks creamy but it really does dry pretty clear!

This one is nearly dry.
I first saw these in a little antique shop YEARS and years ago! They were $5.99 each!
I looked them over and figured out I could do that.....and so I did and have been doing this ever since. I used to do 100 bulbs at a time! I would give some as can decorated those plastic electric Christmas candles a million different ways!
I have made a fabric tube and scrunched it down over the 'stem'. I have also done that tissue paper decoupage using the top layer of decorative napkins.
Now you can buy the little lamps made of pewter and other materials where you don't have to decorate them at all. Anyway......I love them!!

I also arranged some very old vintage pieces of memorabilia in a frame for Louis Dean.
Some of the items date back to 1883! We each have quite a collection of ephemera.
I am always looking at attractive ways to display and preserve it!

Flora over at 'This and That' was the winner of my denim book cover give away!
I have already contacted her, sewed up this cover for her, packed and addressed it so it all ready to mail tomorrow! I hope she likes it! I usually sew some kind of pocket to the front to hold reading glasses.....forgetting that EVERYONE doesn't have to wear them!!

What has Louis Dean been doing all day, you ask??
Working on some electrical project involving our new window A/C he hopes to be installing soon. With this heat we will sure USE it!!
As I write it is 101 at 8:30 this evening!
I hate for him to work outside in this heat!
So in between his trips to the storage building.......

A man and his toys!!

I suppose I will actually dress and leave the house at some point tomorrow.
I need to mail Flora's package and a birthday card
to my soon to be 23 year old son in California.

But for now we will see if it is cooled off enough (???!) to sit out in the gazebo
for a bit before calling this day a wrap!


  1. Glad to see you found good use for the clearance frame! I just hung your beach painting in our guest room—Mike and I both love it. Thank you so much! I will find a frame for it soon. Mailing Ben's card tomorrow, too!

  2. I find your daily journal refreshing - makes me contemplate my day and review how it went. Thanks.

  3. Linda, sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday! What a crafty person you are figuring out those light bulbs! I am so exciting about the Denim Book Cover! It looks wonderful!! I can hardly wait to get it. Thank you so much! Hopefully it cools off for you soon!

  4. Hi Linda,
    So glad to meet you!
    When people stop by my Blog it gives me a great opportunity to "find" new friends. I've signed on to FOLLOW you, so I'll be baaack!...BTW, I enjoyed seeing the process you used for frosting the little lights. And, I envy you the Gazebo you have - it sounds lovely!!

  5. ps: tomorrow's post from me starts with a welcome to you. Thanks for following.
    - Joy

  6. Hoping for cooler weather for you and us, too!!! Back in the 90's and high humidity yesterday. Wednesday it is suppose to be around 80! I will have to get my sweater out!!!

  7. Glad you had a nice productive Sunday. We did too.

  8. So sorry your heat continues...

    So happy that you are so clever!!!

