Monday, August 22, 2011

Sights and 'Sounds' From Sunday.....

Sunday afternoon is a good time to enjoy friends, family and some music.
Louis Dean is in hog heaven!

His nephew and a couple of friends came over and I wish you could have heard the beautiful music they made! LD is putting together a music/video titled 'I Just Drove By to See How Things Have Changed'.
He is doing this WITH the help of his nephew who just so happens to play the Dobro.
He taught himself to play it in THREE DAYS!
The pianist is from our First Christian Church here in Irving.
We used to get there early for services just so we could listen to him play!

This is our friend from China and his daughter. He just returned from a month long visit to his family in China.
It was a 19 hour flight home and he arrived back on Friday!
Here he is playing on Sunday!

He was tired and decided to rest. But he could not help himself and was soon playing again!

They are doing 'You Raise Me Up' by Josh Groban.
I WISH you could have heard her sweet voice and his beautiful violin!

Louis Dean and Jane did some pretty harmonizing!

A real perk to having international friends.......
Jane read the poem that is on this silk Chinese tapestry for us.
I bought it at a Goodwill and had no idea what it said. Just that it is beautiful.
It speaks about looking up at the moon from a high hill and remembering your family.

Friends, Family and Music.
This made for a perfect Sunday afternoon.


  1. What a beautiful way to spend Sunday!

  2. Linda,good writing and pictures!
    I want to translate this famous poem in English for you:

    It was written by a famous poet of Tang Dynasty called Li Bai, the name of this poem is called" Thinking at the Silent Night"

    There is a bright moonlight in front of my bed,
    It is like the frost on the ground,
    When I look up, there is a shining moon in the sky,
    When I look down, I am thinking of my hometown.

    We learned this kind of poems when we were in elementary schools. Simple but beautiful. There is a rhyme in the words and you can sing it if you read it in Chinese.
    At that time,poems shall be in good rhyme.

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday to me! And once the music video is about putting it on your blog for the rest of us to hear?

  4. How wonderful for you to have such music in your life!

  5. What a lovely post. You are so lucky to have such good (talented) friends to make these memories with. I love that she was able to translate the Chinese for you to really enjoy that piece :)

  6. A lovely time.

    And lovely memories made.

    Gentle hugs...
