Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Father and Son Time

I tell you what! These two guys are so much alike it really IS funny!
They are pretty fun people to hang out with.
 Dean returned from a trip to Canada and stayed long enough for a visit with his dad before returning
home to the Waco area yesterday afternoon.
We met over at a Thai restaurant for some adventurous eating.
Louis Dean ordered Sesame Chicken and when asked HOW spicy he wanted -
rated 1 to 5.....he chose 5!
His mouth is still burning! Probably because he ate his leftovers for lunch today!

Louis Dean had made his son a couple of music CD's and then of course they sat and visited.
It was a good afternoon.

This pic is of LD's music room. The ONE room in the house that is totally his and his alone!

The picture makes me smile.

Now it's back to work for us today!

We unloaded fall on Monday and I dabbled in it a little bit last night.

Today I scoped out my theme and between painting trim and running errands and cleaning house and looking after Louis Dean.....I decorated a LITTLE bit!

The tree is up in the den....a small 4 1/2 foot one which is sitting on a table.
This is the box of decorations for it.
I LOVE this fall tree!!!!
I may well hang these up tonight if we watch a TV program.
I am a multi tasker!

But for now.....I must go out and supervise Louis Dean. He is installing our new window A/C unit.
We will be sleeping COOL tonight!
Still 103 degrees as I write!


  1. fun times with family what more can you ask for....

  2. A lovely visit!!!

    Wow did you ever *unload Fall*!!! :-)

    All I've done is make my blog look, more Autumn-like. Got rid of my painted tomatoes, and have Autumn-like colors, etc. now. :-)

    I'm not happy with it but it will do for now.

    No home decorations yet. Oh I'd love a tree like you have! Oh super! :-)

  3. Good heavens, I can barely find time and energy to do a Christmas tree - and you do a "fall tree" ?

    Good for you !! I love fall colors.

    Happy Wednesday. ...Marsha

  4. It has exploded fall around there for sure!!!

  5. Can't wait to see all the decorations...

  6. Okay a fall tree? I have a hard time putting up a Christmas tree. I have other friends who go all out with the fall decorating but not me. I enjoy their decorations as I would yours if I ever make it your way. ;o)
    Have fun!

  7. Great father son time! And you are a busy lady!

  8. Louis Dean's room made me smile too! The hubby is building a garage that is going to be all his. I'm stingy & won't give him a room inside the house!

    Glad you all got to visit with Louis Dean's son. Thai food is something I've never tried but always wanted too. Was it good?

    I'm so excited about seeing your fall decor. Can't wait till you post! More importantly though get that AC installed. Doesn't look like your temps are coming down anytime soon.

    Have a good Thursday!!

  9. It does not matter what you do, as long as it is quality family time. You certainly have a lot of Fall things. I have decided we are not going have fall this year.

  10. There's something so lovely about the friendship of adult sons and fathers. The look on your dear LDs face says it all!
    Wishing you cool dreams tonight!
