Thursday, July 21, 2011

Soup and SALADS!

On these hot summer days the most I want to eat is a cold sandwich, fruit or a salad.
Yesterday I had a few friends over for lunch. Guess what we had?
NO sandwiches! YES to the fruits and salads!

The only HOT dish I served was Amber's Tuscan Soup.
She made this a couple of weeks ago when she was up here on a visit.
I popped what we didn't eat in the freezer. PERFECT!
The recipe is from Sur La Table. She took a cooking class there for her birthday.
Date Night: Goumet Tuscan  is where you can find a recap of her experience PLUS the recipes at the bottom of the post!

One of my favorite summer salads......or ANY time of year for that
Roasted chicken with penne pasta. Super easy and super GOOD!
My friend, Sabrina, made this for us once and it became a faithful fav!
A roasted chicken from Sam's, some penne pasta, a bottle of Caesar dressing and a bag of shredded lettuce.
I topped it with crumbled feta cheese. This afternoon when Louis Dean and I ate it for a late lunch I also added a can of drained peas and a can of water chestnuts! Even better!

Mango, shrimp and avocado salad came from a favorite sister blogger!
Gypsy Heart  has some wonderful recipes as well as delightful posts in general.

Broccoli slaw with avocado and grapes......just toss together with a bottle of Poppy seed dressing!

The last salad on my menu - Watermelon with feta cheese and chopped mint.
A surprising combination that tastes so GOOD!!
Another recipe from Amber!  I served it in the ceramic watermelon bowl I made back in 1983.
Easier than making one out of the REAL watermelon!

In TEXAS no meal is complete without Iced TEA!!!
I make a pitcher every single day and usually drink the entire thing by myself!
Yesterday I made TWO pitchers!

We have been busy today working on our bedroom.
I cannot believe the time and trouble it has been to hang ONE mirror!! We still have two to go.
So what's for supper?
Leftover SALADS!!!!
And lots of iced tea!!


  1. salads and fruit are the perfect meals in this heat..hubby wanted catfish tonight so we picked him up some from Pappy's....I got the grilled chicken salad....was very good...

  2. yumm I love soup and our country we need the soup :) the Watermelon salad... the Tea House in our they have a spinach, watermelon, toasted almonds, and feta cheese...with a oil and vinegar dressing...It is so yummy!!

    But I will be trying some of your reciepes!

  3. O, Sweetie girl...we are living on salads around here..salads, a good bread and sweet iced tea is all I want...well...wait a minute...I ALWAYS want a dessert..:)) and we've been eating lots of frozen yogurt...ummm.
    Your Chicken salad sounds wonderful..gotta try that one.

  4. You can't go wrong with a salad and some good bread. I hope you're staying cool down there - the news makes it sound like an oven.

  5. Linda,
    It alllllll looks wonderful! I love that watermelon salad. It is hot here, too! Ugh. We are off camping again tonight. I will blog about it later. Can't wait to get into our new trailer and get it all "Robin-ized!" lol

  6. I'm trying the watermelon salad this weekend! Thanks, Linda! I hope you get some relief from the heat. We are actually supposed to have a Summer-like weekend!

  7. how fun! i love that you had a watermelon bowl, perfect. :)

  8. The watermelon w/ feta cheese & mint makes a pretty dish. I get to try it Sunday! Yeah!
