Friday, July 8, 2011

Preparing for the Bedroom Re do!

The paper is ordered for our bedroom but there is still much I can do in preparation!
This is the three mirror set that was on my old dresser.
I dumped the dresser but kept the mirrors and I am glad I did!!
I LOVE them all lightened up and distressed!

I keep finding the odd and end frames I finish off to match the other pieces.
Louis Dean has gone now to buy the fence section at Home Depot from which we will custom make our new headboard! He is as 'handy as a pocket on a shirt' to quote an old saying!
There's not much we can't do - together!

I was shopping with my daughter, Amber, at a Hobby Lobby recently.
We both LOVE that store.
This charming clothes rack was just $2.69
I am not sure it will continue to 'live' hung on that cupboard once the room is done or not!
But it is there for now so I can admire it!
As I was writing this I suddenly remembered the matching coat hanger I bought as well!
WHERE did it go?

I found it!! It never made it in the house!
SO I marched out and plucked it from the trunk of the car and hung it right up!
The satin stockings are embellished with some ribbon embroidery I did years ago.
I seldom get rid of ANYTHING! Just re use it somewhere else.

I am sure this is meant to be a cutting board....but with the French floral look?
I decided it would be perfect for the bedside table to hold Maggie's nightly glass of water!

I think I am beginning to 'see' this room done up in romantic florals.
Perhaps with the frames full of pretty flowers.
Louis Dean will be thrilled!!

Another Hobby Lobby find at 66% off.
Not sure just HOW I will use this yet but my collection of pretty things is growing!

My next project will be to refinish the side tables in there and then I will brace myself for the BIGGEST piece of all....the BIG chest of drawers!

Until then we are enjoying the new look of the bedroom even as it is 'Under Construction.'
This is so much nicer than when we redid the BATHROOM!!

Happy Weekend, Folks!!


  1. The nice thing about a bedroom re-do is that you can enjoy each stage without all the inconvenience involved in a bathroom re-do. Can't wait to see that headboard!

  2. I'm reading and running, so as to rest my back, by not staying on the Net, for long.


  3. It is going to be sooo pretty and you will be so proud.:)
