Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I am calling it DONE!

I have been working on this painting all year! A little at a time. I was beginning to think I would never get it finished! Every week I would dabble on it some more.......until today! I glazed it with Liquin and called it DONE!

I painted the canvas from a snapshot I took of my two oldest grandchildren.
They were 6 and 4 at the time.
My sister, Deanie, and I had taken our grandchildren to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.
That is my favorite all time museum! We lived across the street from it for awhile when I was a little girl.
At that time it was free and I would spend hours and hours in there wandering from one exhibit to another.

I decided to paint Sam and Faith (now 9 and 7 years old!)
walking along a beach instead of crossing a gravel parking lot!
I took 'artistic license.'

I have been painting for 35 years and early on one of my teachers said,
"Stop one stroke before you THINK you are finished."
Good advice.


  1. What a sweet painting. This will be very special to Sam & Faith in years to come. They will be able to say to their children this is me. Mimi painted herself just for us. What a memory.

  2. What a gift you have. That painting is beautiful, Linda! I am captured by how you played with the light!

  3. Very good advice! For more than just painting. :-)

    And it's sweet.

  4. Oh that's a very special one...

  5. you are a artist forsure...lvoe it...
