Thursday, June 16, 2011

Crafts With the Grand kids: Painted Crosses

Yesterday afternoon MiMi Camp resumed. Our first adventure of the day was craft time.
They each chose their personal favorite color.
Faith's was PINK, of course!!

After they coated the crosses with paint and water to thin it down a bit we then brushed on a glaze of white or cream......then wiped most of it off.
The last step was to sand the edges to give it a more distressed look.

I think they turned out very nice. Levi was carrying his around so Faith didn't get to snap pictures of his.
She has an artist eye with the camera.
Yesterday she took 165 pictures!
I am still sorting and cropping before using some for the next blog post.

This is one of Faith's favorites from yesterday and it speaks to my heart.
We all have issues in our life that only God can handle.
I faced one of those yesterday and I needed this reminder of FAITH!

Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future.
It's simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.

- Joni Erickson Tada


  1. sweet post...I know you are really having a great time with those precious Angels...

  2. These little crosses are precious. You are teaching your little people lifelong lessons.


  3. Thanks for the quote... I need that right now in my life!! It is so hard to always have the faith I need.
