Sunday, May 15, 2011

Remembering my Friends.....

I have been remembering a couple of beautiful friends this weekend as I participated in a Relay For Life event last night.

Carol and Connie.......I think of them often.

Carol and I were fellow Synchro moms and worked swim meets, sewed sequins on our daughters suits, traveled to competitions together. Mother's Day weekend was ALWAYS a regional swim meet! Our daughters were- and still ARE - synchronized swimmers and close friends.
She was a fun loving, vivacious lady and to know Carol was to love her.

Connie was my neighbor across the street and my friend. She and I often shared a cup of coffee together. Our sons and daughters grew up together. She was a most devoted mom and loving lady.

I miss these women who shared part of my life.  Even though they are gone from this earth and are both rejoicing in heaven with our Saviour.....they will ALWAYS be missed.

As I walked the track last night I enjoyed my happy memories and counted my blessings in having known Carol and Connie.

Although I never met Louis Dean's beloved first wife, Ellen, she too was on my mind. They were married for 41 years before cancer separated them in this life.

When I registered for the Relay for Life and filled out the form online I checked the box that asked 'Are you a Survivor?' I forget sometimes. I had thyroid cancer in 1989 and yes, I AM a survivor. Before I was diagnosed I assumed if I ever had cancer I would just give up and be gone. However, there is an instinct in us given by God that gives us the courage to survive......until our destined moment in time when we go home to be with the Lord.

Last night was a time of love and laughter. A time to remember. A time to pray. A time to reflect. A time to encourage those engaged in this battle..... patients, doctors, nurses, volunteers....ALL!
One word I saw on the teams' signs, logos, and banners was 'HOPE.' The Relay for Life raises money to further research and keep HOPE going. Will we ever find a cure? I don't know. But there is always hope.

If you knew that hope and despair were paths to the same destination, which would you choose?
~Robert Brault,


  1. Wow - what a lot of good reasons to take part in the relay. You were blessed to have had those dear friends and to have overcome the onslaught yourself. This was a lovely, moving post.

  2. nice daughter is doing the 3 day cancer walk at the end of the year....

  3. Beautiful post. Cancer claimed my daddy and his sister, my Aunt Sue, within months of one another. I applaud your support!!

  4. What a great testament, mom. I am so glad you were able to be there, and I hope to join next year. I love you and I am glad that you are a survivor!

  5. Beautiful post! Heartfelt memories are such a treasure aren't they? So very glad you're here to share!

