Sunday, May 8, 2011

My 'Distressing' Addiction!!

I have fallen HARD for the distressed look in refinishing wood!
Be that on woodwork as in my BATHROOM!
Or on various pieces of furniture......I am loving the look!
The pic above is of a formerly UGLY little table that was topped with a round piece of marble.
This is in the living room right now but will 'live' in our bedroom in time to come.

I'm not quite sure what has come over me! Perhaps it was reading all these fabulous blogs and seeing their fantastic before and after pics!!
I don't know .....but I AM addicted!!
As I walk through my house I see so many pieces of furniture and think.....
  THAT would look GREAT with a little 'distressing'!!!!!!

So I jumped right in on this Ethan Allen piece. It is the bottom portion of a two piece set we will use in our bedroom. It will  eventually house our TV as well as some of my lingerie and jewelry.
I forgot to take a 'before' pic....but the wood was very dark!
I sanded. I primed. I painted. I sanded. I painted. I stained. I sanded. I highlighted. I sanded.

This is not a great pic but it was the best I could do!

I am loving it!! Can't wait to get my hands on piece two!

Occasionally 'real life' with all it's traumas and dramas come into play.
So I have been busy elsewhere this week.
Hopefully NEXT week I will be back at work on our bedroom redo.
Ordering wallpaper and DISTRESSING more THINGS!!
It is like THERAPY!!
Redeeming something old and ugly and giving it a new life!
I am loving it!!


  1. Beautiful! I wish I had the decorating sense that you did. My dogs and child tend to chew on things...

  2. wish you could come redo my kitchen cabnits. they are getting the destressed look where the steam from my rice cooker has.. "enlightened" them a bit. LOL Hope you have a great Mothers Day in spite of LD being in hospital. Love Ya!

  3. I love it Linda...Happy Mother's Day...

  4. Wishing you well, with whatever will keep you busy for a bit.

    So happy you have discovered this "therapy."

    Wishing you a lovely Mother's Day.

  5. Great job! Nothing wrong with old, old is character, old is knowledge, old is calming,
    old is reflection, old is cool. You just made old look better. What can you do for me?

  6. great job, i'm so impressed!
